sorry to keep you waiting ladies, there were no computers left in the library at lunch and then i had lab (our dead frogs leg kept going into spasm, it was so creepy!)
well, lets see what i spy with my little eye:
Elsie im not looking at the bending region, not at all
Jacquie really cool shot
maire welcome back! doesnt he look like such a little devil in the corner? :lol:
Nikki i think this is a first honourable mention for one of our newbies!
blackflag that blue light isnt attracting my attention to any specific spots, i swear!
but i really liked one pic that was blue all over, and that came from
OnlyTruth!!! couldnt get much more blue then that, plus his ears are so cute!
now if youll excuse me, i still smell frog on my hands. ew.