Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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KM, we did miss you. And I am so, so sorry to hear about your week and your loss. We might all have started out here because we're dedicated to Nick/George but I know that we also are dedicated to and care about each other. Wish there was something I could do to help....
Some people might say that we spend too much time here and should "get a life." Heck, I spend time here because I have a real life and it's a nice place to escape. Where else can you go for so much unconditional love?
NSF2 there was a loverly scene in Double Cross where our boy was walking down stairs after finding all the tools used for the crime...and we had an aweseome display of muscular thighs through some mighty-fine fitting jeans!

I had chicken for dinner last night and all I could think was "mmmm....thighs!" (I'm sick, I know!)
This scene is where I was noticing his thighs, and I was glad to see someone else did too.

Thanks so much OnlyTruth for the thoughts! Coming here is a nice way to escape real life for a bit. Since I have to spend a lot of time on the computer anyway, I might as well look at some good pics with some nice people. :)
Hey y'all! :D
Hope you missed me :p Couldn't get on the internet for a couple of days, and now I have to catch up with soooo many nice pics!

Edit: To amuse myself I did a picture search on George. I found
this one which I haven't seen before. Anyone knows about a project called "skipchasers"?
And another one I've seen for the first time. With
Little Stoker and soooo cute...
KM Sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Reminder to all please remember to not double post I know its only allowed for six links, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be long before someone posts after you at which time you can post the next six.

Thank you.
sorry to keep you waiting ladies, there were no computers left in the library at lunch and then i had lab (our dead frogs leg kept going into spasm, it was so creepy!)

well, lets see what i spy with my little eye:

Elsie im not looking at the bending region, not at all :p
Jacquie really cool shot
maire welcome back! doesnt he look like such a little devil in the corner? :lol:
Nikki i think this is a first honourable mention for one of our newbies! :)
blackflag that blue light isnt attracting my attention to any specific spots, i swear!

but i really liked one pic that was blue all over, and that came from OnlyTruth!!! couldnt get much more blue then that, plus his ears are so cute!

now if youll excuse me, i still smell frog on my hands. ew.
allmaple said:
but i really liked one pic that was blue all over, and that came from OnlyTruth!!! couldnt get much more blue then that, plus his ears are so cute!

Woo Hoo. Yeah Me!
Okay, the talk about pants got me into a pants mood. So, your next theme challenge, should you dare to take it, is to bring me pictures of pants. Preferably ON George, Nick, or any character :lol: The pictures can include as much of GE as you'd like, as long as I can see the pants because that will be the basis for my judgement. 12 pics max, winner announced in about 28 hours from the time of this post. Have fun!
KM444 thanks for telling me what people meant by his thighs :D and I'm sorry for your loss dear, I hope everything goes ok :)

and Softcake the pic you posted that you don't know what show it's from, is a show he was going to do with Arsinio Hall(wierd hu?), some sort of buddy cop drama, but the pilot and idea was never picked up, but luckaly for us, CSI came along just in time and we now have George to stare at... and aparently his thighs as well :lol:

ok Onlytruth I'm happy you won, becouse now I can stare at Goerge's pant's :D

here are my subs:



Can we call these pants? nice calves though, I love some nice calves on a guy!
Pants I love this shot, if I could only remove WP I'd be happy.
Pants He's a cutie pie :D

ok I'm done now, I have to finish up some panting I'm helping with, peice out :cool:
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