Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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<rubs full tummy> thanks for the order of thighs, Jacquie! Mmm..mmmm...good! Wow, there were a lot of good award shots I hadn't seen before as well...stole them all!
Blackflag, I'm not sure which I like better, your "blue safety mat" or your "blue light" pic. I just keep opening one, then the other. I'll just have to add them to my collection. sigh
this is why you should do google image searches every once and a while, you just might find something new!

interview with an australian lady i think...
a little distorted for some reason he sure is a hand talker eh? (dont mind me, im just canadian :p)
new l'oreal one

good golly miss molly why dont they use him in advertising in north america?? id buy anything with his face on it! :lol: and he used to model in texas before acting, so where are those ads?? why couldnt he have been like tom welling or marky mark and have some underwear ads out there somewhere? :devil: :lol:
Underwear ads, now there's a nice thought....

Thanks for the new pics allmaple , he is looking good. :D

Just watched A Bullet Runs Through it, his moustache made me laugh out loud. :lol:

Good night all. Sweet Nick dreams (I wish).
Thanks for the pics allmaple. I'm glad I added a sub album to my photobucket. It's not likely to get organized as that would take all the fun out of looking at pics of George and co. I think you will find most actors talk with their hands on interviews.
Hi everyone. I feel like I have been gone for quite a while, but I guess it's only been about a week. It's been an awful week here though. I had a sudden, unexpected death in my family (and I was there when it happened and tried to help), someone else I know was in a fairly serious car accident and I had five tests at school. I'm hoping things will settle down and I'll feel a little better this week. I did check in here a few times and get a few laughs, it was a nice distraction since I couldn't concentrate on much, so thanks for that. :)

I think I'll wait until the next theme to post some pics.

McStokes , I noticed his thighs in that scene too, and I never really have before.

I love your new avatar allmaple!
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