Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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I think she just figures he looks older because of the hair. His face is sort of youthful if you ignore the hair.

Does anyone else think George looks too beefy in his Savannah shots? I mean, hey- it's not like he looks bad! Not a chance. ;) But I prefer the leaner, athletic look on him. :)
BabaOReilly said:
Does anyone else think George looks too beefy in his Savannah shots?

um, no :p i wouldnt go so far as to say 'beefy' its not like he has 20 inch biceps or anything. just nicely toned and defined. i adore well defined back muscles, and georges were amazing in savannah and evel knievel. if you see pictures from savannah when hes wearing clothes (yes, he did actually wear clothes on the show :lol:) he doesnt look too beefy at all. speaking of savannah i found a place to get dvds and was sooooo excited, but they were way too expensive so i got sad :(
^^^ OK, sorry but you're COMPLETELY WRONG! :p

Heh heh, just kidding. ;) (Mostly)

I just think he looks sort of bulky on what I consider to be a small frame. Again, it's not like he looks bad, just more... I don't know, poserish? That even sounds too harsh.

I don't know. I guess i just think he looks way hotter now. :)
ok, i shall revise my statement.
hes quite buff but i still like it :D
but you dont notice so much when hes clothed do you have any idea how hard it was to find a whole upper body shot with him wearing a shirt? :lol:

in 'let the seller beware' you can see his back and shoulders are quite defined, and many episodes show off his arms. i think his upper body was a bit wider in his younger days. hey, at least he got narrower in his old age instead of sprouting a beer gut :lol:

eta: you called him 'poserish' but i think it might have been the show in general. afterall, it was a primetime soap in the mid 90s produced by aaron spelling. ive only seen a few clips but i bet it was pretty cheesey
BabaOReilly said:
Does anyone else think George looks too beefy in his Savannah shots? I mean, hey- it's not like he looks bad! Not a chance. ;) But I prefer the leaner, athletic look on him. :)

I like him beefy. :D I saw pics from the TCA tour back in July, he likes like he's put on some muscle.
Lovely pics to sleep on ladies. The massage has done wonders. :D. I will send Nick back to the ward on Friday so he will be well rested for allmaple on Saturday.

I don't mind the beefy look on George. If we get lucky this season will be see Nick in more dress shirts. When he beefed up for season 5 he looked super hot in dress shirts. :devil:
Bailey... long time no see! :eek: How's the ambulance chasing treating ya? :p

I like him muscular, I just like the style of muscle he has now as opposed to his younger days. He wears it better now. It just looks less bulky on him now. And by "poserish" I guess I kind of meant the whole "I'm a jock, look at my muscles" sort of thing. Although I don't think that's accurate either, but... whatever. I'd take 'im anyway I could get 'im, truth be known! :lol:
Job well done on the pics people there were certainly some HOT pics. All the pics were hot just some that were hotter. :) There are sometimes when I see a pic I can say right off the bat that that will be the winner. This theme had a few of them so it was hard and you did well with the challenge. Interestingly enough all the winners came from season 5 and 6 where I think George had started to show his maturity in looks and acting. So here are the runners up in no particular order.

km444 sunglasses, buzz, open neck, what else is there to say.
blackflag I think at some point we all have loved these pics from this episode.
Babs the title of the pic says it all-Redhotcool :)
km444 again. Our long over due it's over episode. He was cool hot here.
allmaple the pout, the hair before it really need a cut. Also thanks for my swap meet pic.

And now for the winner and I think a first time winner at that. Oh yea a name :D The winner of the HOT theme is Anne . George just acted his heart out in this as we all know. The pic was not my first choice but after looking at all the pics I selected for the finalist I kept coming back to this. So job well done Anne and congrats on winning.
kito I hope you get to drop by once and again to get your Nick fix and to stay sane. I know what it's like to visit parents so I hope your Nick fix helps. I agree on that last pic you posted no words are required. Thud :p
allmaple said:
Babs! i cant believe you didnt use this one! i found it on your site so i hope you dont mind me using it :lol:
:D No problem hahaha I forgot about that one hahaah to much pics of Nick on my site :p

Congratz Ann
BabaOReilly said:
And by "poserish" I guess I kind of meant the whole "I'm a jock, look at my muscles" sort of thing. Although I don't think that's accurate either, but... whatever. I'd take 'im anyway I could get 'im, truth be known! :lol:

again, i think its the nature of the show. if youre not a pretty boy, you dont get a part on a soap opera. have you ever seen them? its like 'oh, let me take my shirt off so i can walk around my house' not that im complaining of course. but ive found most soap operas are better with the sound off :lol:
at least george has been able to get past roles like that and become the nicky we all know and love.
see you ladies sunday, you know where ill be. mcat woo hoo! *sarcasm*
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