Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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I know that it's alittle less than 24 hours, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to get online again until tomorrow....

I suspected that this was going to be fun theme to judge. And I was not disappointed. I'd loved all the pictures. I love the way that Nick interacts with women. :devil:

Here are the runner-up pics:
from Anne
from wlk
from Sam Stokes
from NickSaraFan
from Maria who also gets special thanks for the cat pic.
Also, an honorable mention to km444 for the transvestite pic ;)

And now the winner:
from babs I really loved this interaction between Nick and Sage and I think this pic really captures that well. Congrats Babs!
Congrats Babs! Definitely a good choice, OnlyTruth, he looks so good there. I looked at that one several times when Babs posted it.

Thanks for the honorable mention for the transvestite pic too. :lol: I think I'm the one who posted the laundry cart for your vehicle theme too. :D
I must have missed that epiosde. Who is Sage? Congrats, Babs! And thanks to Only for making one of my photos a runner-up. I must say that all these photos of Nicky are making me anxious for the new ones which will accompany season 7. :)
marieluka said:

Thanks guys! Bonus points ... what does that mean, I get Nick for a couple of days maybe ? :D :D :D

whoa whoa whoa, lets not get ahead of ourselves here. a few hours...maybe... :p :lol:

i love these two. wasnt someone asking a while ago why they never have bed head on the show? well the first one is some super cute nicky bed head, and ive just always loved the shirt in the second one :D

eta: sage was in gum drops, she was a friend of the family who were killed. that scene was really cute, nicks 'feminine energy' :lol: i dont know, i think hes pretty manly. but he does break out a super cute smile in that scene
Congrats on yalls wins!

..btw, I'm doing a Nick icon thing. If you guys have any caps, pm them to me? and if you guys want any, let me know what you want on it. :D
Congrats on winning Babs. That was a good theme and the pics were hot as usual.

Nick is free on Wednesday but I will require him on Thursday evening. Our delivery day has been changed so sore muscles massages are now required on Thursday evenings :devil:
i need him now to look after me coz i broke my foot and cant walk lol. smart me broke it and then played netball on it two nights in a row and now cant walk, lol.

my docs hate when i do shit like that :p
hearty you silly goose! yes, you definately need a manservant to take care of you. now stay off that foot!
i am so calling dibbs for saturday night, real mcat day :eek: should be alright, i just want it to be over with
ok i'm off my feet... i would say something about them being in the air if nick was here but i think i would get a modslap, LOL!!!

*gets splashed with hose*

ok i get the point lol.
hearty I hope you are on your feet soon. HaHa. I have never broken a foot but I do have feet issuses and they can be most painful. As allmaple suggested you should get yourself a manservant would you like it like
this or would your preference run more along this line. I had thought of this type of servant but you can't get your foot wet. :D :devil:. Now the only problem with you getting a servant like....

***EDITED for inappropriate content. Please be mindful that there are MINORS on this Board and in this Forum. Thank you.*** I now want one. Thank god for cloning. :lol:

allmaple How long after writing your test on Saturday do you have to wait to get the results? I sometimes think the waiting for the results is the hardest part.
oh boy oh boy! i just hit the jackpot! havent checked one of my sources recently but it certainly paid off tonight!

i think we all know if george was heartys manservant she wouldnt keep her...

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....and thered be a little of this action going on :devil: if i remember correctly youre a blonde so with the grainy pictures you can easily put yourself in the girls place :lol:

got a present for you too Jacquie! you mentioned a little something about massages? meow thats one id like! hes got all the right moves, even knows the ladies like a little peck on the neck :D he certainly was topless a lot on savannah eh?

eta: my mcat results will take at least 5 weeks to come :(

eta2: i get one more to make six pics and i just found a very scrumptious one! a little back action my favourite boy muscles, george certainly has delicious ones :devil:
WHOA :devil: ok i'm just going to need a cold shower... and GE can join me :devil: HOT!!!

oh god those pics are.... *THUD*

escuse me while i pass out LOL.

and i'll take all those GE servants :devil: the more the merrier haha
hey all :D

and Anne Sage was in the episode 'Gum Drops', if your in the states or Canada, it will air this Thursday.

and poor Hearty that really sucks, though I'm surprised you were running around on it :eek: jeez, get some rest, I have never broken a bone, but Ive heard it hurts like heck, so rest and let Nicky take care of you :D

here he is offering some assistance Bam!! you should get better soon with him as your helper (or not ;) )

and this guy wishes you well too sittin' on the dock on the bay i like him too :D

Nick sends his sympathy isn't he cute :D

and thanks OnlyTruth for giving me honorable mentions :D

and congrats Babs can't wait for your theme :D
nicksarafan2 said:and poor Hearty that really sucks, though I'm surprised you were running around on it :eek: jeez, get some rest, I have never broken a bone, but Ive heard it hurts like heck, so rest and let Nicky take care of you :D
yeah it hurt but i had two quarterzone injections, one before the game and one at half time lol, the doc was like you shouldnt even be walking, and i'm like are you going to give me that or am i going to do it lol.

i ended up telling my coach i had a broken foot after the game haha, she looked like she was about to faint, LOL!

i'm used to it, i've had onver 15 broken bones lol.

here he is offering some assistance Bam!! you should get better soon with him as your helper (or not ;) )

and this guy wishes you well too sittin' on the dock on the bay i like him too :D

Nick sends his sympathy isn't he cute :D
GAH he's gorjuz!!!

hu is the second guy? *ducks from flying objects*
Wow, yeah that's a lot of broken bones :eek:

and the other guy is Anderson Cooper, the cute, smart, funny and kick ass, news anchor on CNN, my sister loves him, my mom loves him, I love him (almost as much as I love GE) and not every one knows about him, so it's OK Hearty :D

and get well soon :D
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