Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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Hello everyone, I'm checking in from vacation. I got on one other time, but no photobucket links would open for me. It was torture, I couldn't look at most of the pics! Things seem to be working now, but a little slowly.

allmaple said:
you want a little back muscle action? maybe when km444 comes back she can tell me what theyre called :lol:

:lol: Sure, I could do that for you Nicky, but I think it would be easier if you took your shirt off. You don't mind do you? :devil:

Also, after catching up on pics, I noticed some continuity in Nick's jeans. It looks like the jeans he wore in Gum Drops were the same (or same type) on both days, and the same as in Up in Smoke.

Here are the pics I noticed:
Gum Drops Day 1
Gum Drops Day 2 Or at least I think it's a new day, a new shirt anyway.
Up in Smoke

I thought that was kind of interesting since I've wondered sometimes why they don't wear the same clothes more than once in most cases. Plus, I figured nobody would mind seeing those again anyway.

It was nice checking in and catching up on things! :)
SamStokes said:
Hey welcome back!
Yeah they do look like the same jeans but they sure make his asse look great!

They certainly do! That man has one fine backside!!!! :devil:
BabaOReilly said:
ALL his sides are good! :lol:

Got to agree with that. All his sides are very good.

Jacquie only read 2 chapters, but at least he is now on chapter books. How many gold stars do I get when he finishes his 3 books for summer reading?

dont you worry Jacquie he is all yours, take two days if you like ;) see, the perk for this doctor im working for is i know her and her kids so i get to pick them up from camp at the end of the day. and tomorrow is performance/open house for both of them. and i get to go because their parents cant, how sad is that?? then more babysitting, sleep, and second practise mcat. its gonna be a long freakin weekend :( wouldnt want nicky feeling neglected, so you take real good care of him ok?
i trust you ladies will post lots and lots of cute nicky pictures as i sure as heck will need them come sunday morning!
allmaple you sound as though you will need a bit of Nick's tender care on Sunday so I will send him down the 401 on Sunday morning. (fyi-401 refers to a major highway that runs east west from the Ont./Que. border to basically the Ont./Michigan border.)

I read in our local newspaper that fire ants have been seen in Markham. Since I have Nick until Sunday I will protect him with my body :devil: to make sure he is not hurt by those beastly ants. Where is Grissom when you need him.
Yes Jacquie protect our Nicky!!!

oh and it's raining out here, maybe Nicky likes the rain ;), my way of saying come here Nicky!!!

oh and my gosh, why does that man look so freaking good in those jeans!!! gah!!! I mean Blam!!

ok here are the theme pics.... hopefully I remember what there supposed to be :D


Full Body

I couldn't find any back pics so I'm going to submit a special pic ;) : My other Cowboy Oh how I love Adriano, him and George there my boys, I love them so much, ok i'm done :D

And Luke Wilson is on Letterman right now, I love him too!!!
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