Lamb, my sweetest Lamb 
meanwhile I have watched the episode, and I agree with you that it was great, though Lucy being 10 months now confused me a bit, but I´m almost used by now with TPTB´s twists and wormholes of space and time :lol:.
As you know I can live without Smacked

, so I was content with the two at least working together again. I also loved Stella´s scenes with Flack, it seemed she got a bit of her old self back in the way of being the Mother Superior again. And I´m pleased that finally there seems to be a chemistry between her and Lindsay, because at the moment I can´t see that Stella will develop a good chemistry with the other girl in the lab, Haylen. Unless this will change in the next episodes, Haylen is an annoying person

very well indeed Better ask "how is your head" to TPTB if they don't give us Smacked soon
Oh, poor Lamb, don´t let TPTB give you the migraines, take it easy; you know they are sometimes like your PC, they give me a pain in the bum when they write silly stuff :devil:, but we can´t change it.
oh yes! He is busy with Me, my, I and myself well, Mac is not an evil man. He is caring even tough it must be difficult for him to put his ideas in order because he must feel identified with Don. And he doesn't notice Stella needs him there (as all Smacked Shippers!)
Actually we feel what she must be feeling because they were so close and now they are so apart! Hopefully they will be back where they were before
Of course, Mac isn´t an evil man, but sometimes he seems thoughtless and insensitive where one wouldn´t expect it. Like with Stella, you´re right, they were once so close- such close friends, that´s why it´s so hard to believe that he doesn´t seem to notice at all how Stella has changed. He knows her so well, probably like no-one else, but he doesn´t see the obvious things.
I think it's interesting this because it would mean ALL of us (fans included) need to cope with this. So we should feel what they "feel" (I-already-know-they-are-just-television-characters-yadda-yadda-yadda)

Yes, we´ll have to cope with Stella´s changes, too, whether or not we´ll like them. And yes, Stella´s not for real anyway, just on the telly, but nonetheless I´d suffer if she´d turn into a bitch :lol:.
Yes, I agree, hopefully Mac will soon open his eyes and see that Stella dearly needs a helping hand to get her grips back. Absolutely agree, it´s somehow stupid that they´re so distant now, except they deal with crises in a different way, so that Mac just hasn´t the slightest clue how Stella feels, but it´s rather unlikely; as I said he knows her too well to not see that something´s wrong with her.
No, her high heels are missing:lol: and her cleavage too:lol: Let's say Pope Benedict send us Nun Stella again:lol:
Maybe she´s covering up to not give Adam interesting sights and lead him into temptation :lol:.
My love and hugs to you, and have a great week, too, dearest Lamb

Byyyyeee from the NUT