Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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lol I think that does have some form of continuity. I liek learning more about her past.

She prob went from orphange to foster home and then temp back to the orphanage between homes.

Continuity doesn't seem to be the writers strong point.
Hey guys! *waves* It would be lovely if we learn more about Stella's past, the crossover with Cold Case was a good episode but not enough for us, Stella fans ;)

I would love to see a younger Stella in an episode in the orphange, till the moment she became a cop/detective. A flashback with al the characters, who they were and what they became. New idea producers? :lol:

And for spoiler readers, just like me :lol: 4x16 is worth to check from what I've heard from the spoilers ;)
Hey Sor *waves back* :lol:

It would really be lovely to see another flashback of Stella as a child. However, I wonder how they'll do it. I think it'll be wishful thinking on our part to have a flashback with all the characters. I think it'll be too much for the writers. :lol:

As for the spoilers, I'm really excited for 4x16 since it's Stella-centric. Can't wait for that to air. :D
Well unfortunaly they have recently done an episode on Stella being in a foster home so I reckon that it'll be a few seasons untill be see another 'childhood Stella' storyline :( Anyone else agree?
I thnk your probably right. Yet It would be cool, I couldn't imagine Mac as a kid. I wanna see how Stella and Mac met and how they became good friends.
Although I would love to see another flashback of Stella's childhood, I agree it's just too soon for them show another one. Didn't we see a flashback to when Mac was a kid with the whole 333 case?
Hey, so I was at Hastings today, and I saw this: (<---Click)

Yeah, I was like "OMG! :D" and my mother and sister pretty much laughed at me. Sadly, I don't think you can read the article, but from what I can tell, they show older cover stories, so maybe in a month or so we can see it.

Anyway, for those who didn't know, I thought you'd like to. :)
Thanks for the link pretty. :D Melina looks amazing as usual. Too bad there isn't an online version of the mag. I would so love to read what Melina has to say. I'm hoping someone here who subscribes to the magazine would scan it for us! *hint, hint* :lol: :lol:
OMG OMG! *is jumping up and down* Thanks for sharing the link pretty :D

I can't wait for the scans showing up! Melina looks so gorgeous :angel:
Thanks for the link:)

I agree it would be very interesting to see more on Stella's childhood.However I don't think that's gonna happen in this season.We've already seen a story about Mac's and with only few episodes left for this season they might do something in the next one..;)I sure hope so.
athens! *tackles* I've missed you! <3

Hopefully they'll do something along those lines next season, it'll make us all giddy and happy. :) I'd love to know more.

Melina's always gorgeous. :D
Hey!!:D:angel:I've missed you too:p

yeah,it would be good to see something more on that topic.Not only that but more on Stella after all the events in her life that we've seen on the show[Frankie,HIV].
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