Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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^^ Oh honey! Thanks! You found Rambo!Stella! :) *Hugs!*

I love a rambo Stella! She rocks!

Here's some yummy Stella!love to cheer us up!
I vaguely remember a TV Guide article saying Stella was going to change. They said something about her not going by the book or not playing it safe. Do you think Rambo Stella is what they meant?
what issue of tvguide? maybe i can post/share it.

don't mess with rambo stella! :lol: i wont :p
lovely pics btw.
oh,I won't too! :lol:

Maybe it was at the time at the end of season 2 with the whole Frankie thing?
So I come here and we have Rambo, Yummy and Beautiful Stella! :D I wonder if that is too much for a hot day like this?! Nah :p, there's never too much of the Greek gorgeous lady.

Speaking of Greek, I had never seen anything about it, but Naoussa is such a beautiful place. I mean, Greece seems to be a beautiful place in general. Plus Greek is so cute ;) I love it whenever Stella speaks Greek (and even Mac :lol:)

And, as a surprise, now I know that Melina has a beautiful voice :) I was like "Hm, is it really her singing?!" because I wasn't expecting her to sing as well as she does :rolleyes:

So, everybody, thank you so much for all the pictures, links posted :)
I think the issue was in April or May of this year. The article may have been about the crossover with Cold Case. The Guy from Cold Case finds Stella's jacket with her friend's blood on it. Hopefully that helps narrow things. down. Unfortunately I didn't keep the issue. Now I wish I had. :(
I was looking through my files on my laptop and I found this picture that I wanted to share :D

The look on her face is just hilarious :lol:
Stella: This stinks :lol:
Oh, the picture^^is so nice. The one posted in the previous page is also really cool, showing all Melina's beauty :)

Ok, so I saw "The Ride-In", so I have to leave my thoughts (I know, I know, when in summer hiatus people stop discussing episodes, I am wtaching old ones for the first time :p). Anyway, there are several highlights of Melina's performance and Stella's life...
I obviously loved to continue to see her dealing with the HIV doubt, now telling her friends, which was really cool and gave Melina the hypothesis of act in a brilliant way and get all of Stella's emotions out ;) And I brought a picture of the first scene of the episode, telling Mac

Then, Hero Stella saved Sid, which was just great :) Though I still don't get how she knew what was happening with him and how she knew what to do. But well, I guess Stella is just super smart :p In the sequence, her concern about the fact that she could have transmited him HIV eventually. The cool thing was that she knew the probabilities were minimal, but she was so affected by all this, and so worried about what she was going trough, that she was about to completely break down. But Sid was awesome with her, I loved the scene they shared after he came back :)
Other than that, I loved the "What are you playing, who gets cancer first?!". Just the way she said it :lol:
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