Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Happy Birthday jorja_fan86 :)

Thank you for some more pictures posted!

I just saw "Some Buried Bones" yesterday and, well, what a surprise, I thought Melina was great :D She always is. She is awesome, that's all I have to say.
I loved the way she said to Ava "Hey look! It's twins!" :lol: So Det. Stella Bonasera...
Besides of that, it showed again how caring and sweet Stella is, offering her help to the woman :)

Other than that, I saw another episode of "Providence". Melina was good, of course. I was thinking that Stella and Sydney aren't that different, character wize, although the series is: Sydney's life is Providence, while Stella's life is a small part of CSI:NY. But actually, both characters are so caring, helping other people when they can. I haven't seen Providence that much, but I guess Stella is a little bit more though when it's necessary. Probably because Stella is a detective and deals with criminals while Sydney is a doctor and deals with people who need help :rolleyes: Anyway, I love to see her playing another character.
ooh! the ride in! i so wub that scenes... very touching indeed. *sniffs*

oh! before i forget, happy bday jorja_fan86!
Thank you for the warm birthday wishes my lovlies :). It means a lot, coming from a fellow Melina fan. Speaking of which, have you all seen this? I think it's absolutely adorable & her Greek family is almost like mine :lol:.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jorja_fan86! I'm sorry that I'm so late! :) Here are some presents for you!

ooh, those are nice piccies! thanks kissme! I wub the black dress one. I have a weakness for black clothes... *eherm* black tees... :rolleyes:
Happy belated birthday Mina !! :D :D

Thanks for all the pictures!!I really like her hair in the first pic Delia posted..!
Hey guys I come bearing gifts...



Oh look at this pic she looks really cute!!...


We are nearly on 1000 posts and I was wondering if when we get there can I open the new thread or does someone else have first dibs!
Thank you for all the pictures posted. She looks great :) ^^Who's the man with her in the picture where she looks cute and where she's wearing a grey sweatshirt?

nattybatty55, for me, it's OK that you open the new thread.
Do you already have a name for it in mind?

And I have a question for you...What is the thing that you're more curious about Melina (if you are curious about something specific)? Like if you had the opportunity to ask her 1 question, what would it be?
Thanks for the pics :)!She does looks really sweet in the last one!..I'm sure I've seen the second image before..

I'm sure that if I had the opportunity to ask her something I would ask a loooot of things about her life,her family CSI..If it was just as your question I think it would be something about her family! ;)
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