Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Did I just miss the opening of the thread? *slaps self*

Well, making tha banner wasn't a problem at all. I wants to see season three right now! Stupid Dutch TV networks. Stel kicks asses. Like J said, she's not afraid to say what she feels and that's what I loove about her.
:lol: I know. It's just not possible. Anyhoo, it's time for some photos :D:




Anyone wanna break out the bouzouki or sirtaki? I feel like dancing now :lol:.
That's odd :confused:. It's the second post in this thread but the first one I made. Try refreshing your page.

I *so* want that coat that Stella wore last night. It's perfect for the cold winter weather & the style & colour all all that is fantastic. I wonder where I could find that coat here in Canada. Anyway, the coat proved once again that Stella has great style :D.
Did you watch "Silent Night"???

I totally loved that scene Stella had with Lindsay :lol:

"Clearly I made a mistake trying to be your friend here, so I'll be your boss. When you're requested at a crime scene you show up, and you do your job. Speaking of your job, I expect to see you in the autopsy this afternoon" :devil:

Well done!!! :D
That was an awesome scene. Stella perfected it with the facial expressions she made while talking to Lindsay. You could see that she was clearly frustrated with the response she received. I guess she figured that she deserved a response since she covered for Lindsay & I feel the same way. Still, that little rambo moment was nice :D.

OT: But your banner rocks :lol:.
little rambo moment! You owe me 5 bucks Melly, you said she wouldn't and I said she would, so fork it over!

Reine, I agree with the banner thing. It rocks! ;)

I think Stella did great on talking with Lindsay, she handled the situation very well. and yeah I agree with you J, I'm waiting on Stel to kick someones ass!
I think she'll kick some ass before March. I can see a suspect intentionally pissing her off in the interogation room & all of a sudden she just loses it :lol:. Granted she won't get physical but I can see her going off on the suspect rambo style & just letting the person know exactly she feels. *rawr* Watch out! I like Stella best when she's angry as odd as it sounds :lol:.
jorja_fan86 said:
That was an awesome scene. Stella perfected it with the facial expressions she made while talking to Lindsay. You could see that she was clearly frustrated with the response she received. I guess she figured that she deserved a response since she covered for Lindsay & I feel the same way. Still, that little rambo moment was nice :D.

Nice? It was awesome! :D I finally watched the episode last night and man, Stella's my hero! That scene was -so- good I played it back and forth like 5 times. I just love her when she's pissed and yeah, she did deserve an explanation.
^^ I agree. As much as I love Lindsay, it's obvious her boss would want an explanation for fleeing the scene. She was very sweet though when she agreed to Lindsay asking for a friend's support.

I missed the Ellen interview!! :( Can someone gimme the link of it anywhere? Or is it not uploaded onto the Internet?
oooh..she gave a new interview?!Anybody watched it?

Reine I agree with you and your banner!..although the one ship is not the same!! :lol: ;)
..let's just say TV networks in countries that don't show CSINY suck!..but good enough they show CSI and Miami!> :)..
Oh thanks a lot for the compliments about my banner :D *blushes*!!! I really appreciate them :D

I saw the scene like 10 times too, and every time I saw it it got better and better :lol: :lol: *runs to watch it again*

I want her to kick some asses too :devil:, btw, could you tell which are the episodes where she had done it? We could make a list :D, just to not get bored during the "vacations" :D
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