
Stargate fans take note: David Hewlett mentioned on twitter that he's going to be in an upcoming episode of Hellcats (but not in a cheerleading uniform)
Man, sounds like I'm the only fan left then... sigh. Hey, then I can turn this thread into my own personal SGU blog... :p

That was not a slam at any other threads I've seen in here. No sir... not at all. ;)
I loved SG-1. SGA lost me after about a season. SGU lost me after about 8 episodes (actually it lost me after the pilot, but I forced myself to give it a bit more). I love Louise Lombard, but even she isn't enough to get me interested again. :confused:

None of the spinoffs seem to have the same great group of people that the original did - I loved ALL the main characters, whereas on the spinoffs, there's always some that just don't interest me or annoy me.
I'm still watching SGU so BabaOReilly you're not the only one.

I don't mind the slow pace. Actually, I've found season two to be not as slow paced. Realizing, the first season you're establishing the show, characters, relationships.

Loved this week's episode.....the last five minutes were so sad.
Holy moley! Cool episode. Aliens, another anicent ship (including a freaking stargate assembly line? WICKED). I totally dug that ep.
alrighty, so Universe got cancelled - no surprise there, IMHO - I was surprised that it even got 2nd season. Kind of sad that they got a good, original idea but still Stragatesy show and they just.. boring. Boring. Boring.

Like Heroes (or Herodes like I call it [=Herod the Great in Finnish] ) had potetial but some bad ideas and writing. Which made it boring. For me. At least.

Anyways, finally ordered Atlantis full series with my other half, 93€ with taxes and shipping (well taxes, since free shipping). - which is not bad. Or I don't understanf why it is so expensive, since I ordered ER full series (15seasons) for 88€

So something to watch again ;) My SG1 watching has been on break, still stuck somehwere on season...where Daniel came back.
Anyways, finally ordered Atlantis full series with my other half, 93€ with taxes and shipping (well taxes, since free shipping). - which is not bad. Or I don't understanf why it is so expensive, since I ordered ER full series (15seasons) for 88€

Just skip the first 3 seasons of Atlantis & get to season 4 where Sam Carter takes charge! :lol:
Science fiction shows have always been more expensive when it comes to DVD. Studios realize that the sci-fi fans are the ones who collect DVDs and are willing to pay more for them, and they're also more expensive to produce normally.

I think the first season of Atlantis is very great; however, I think it gets worse and worse with each season.

I also realized today that I'm not going to miss SGU at all. :shifty:
I'm totally going to miss SGU. It was really building into coolness. I'm really sorry we won't get to see where it was heading.
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Anyways, finally ordered Atlantis full series with my other half, 93€ with taxes and shipping (well taxes, since free shipping). - which is not bad. Or I don't understanf why it is so expensive, since I ordered ER full series (15seasons) for 88€

Just skip the first 3 seasons of Atlantis & get to season 4 where Sam Carter takes charge! :lol:

I pretty much liked all 4 seasons... 5 was just. I don't know. There's one episode I never got to watch and it was, I think 5x19 Vegas. No sense, and boring as hell.

You know what really annoyed me Carter in Atlantis? I mean, she was such a great character in SG1, but in some way, when she came to Atlantis, like she had forgotten all the science she knew. I mean stuck in elevator "omg what we can do" when SG1's Carter would have tried to do something.
Or that she couldn't contribute or solve any problems, but all had to go thru Rodney. She was there like someone never dealt with science etc. before.

You know what really annoyed me Carter in Atlantis? I mean, she was such a great character in SG1, but in some way, when she came to Atlantis, like she had forgotten all the science she knew. I mean stuck in elevator "omg what we can do" when SG1's Carter would have tried to do something.
Or that she couldn't contribute or solve any problems, but all had to go thru Rodney. She was there like someone never dealt with science etc. before.


So true. There were times when I'd say "C'mon Sam! That'd be easy for you to figure out, but you're making Rodney work on it?! :wtf: In the one where she was stuck in the transporter with Zelenka, she did try to find a way out until the tablet got fried, then the only other thing they could have done was pried the doors open.

I remember one time (can't remember the eppy - the one where they implode the replicators into that big blob) where Sam gives Rodney a hint of an idea & he gets it right away and says "we're geniuses!". Also "Doppleganger" (I think) where Sam makes references to things that happened to her on SG-1 and they end up using the 'chairs' from The Gamekeeper episode.

I did love Sam's leadership style at Atlantis, though. I remember Amanda saying how she thought Carter would be the leader who "sat back & let her team shine" and just giving small nudges of direction, and that's how she played it. She was very much like Hammond in that respect - relying on (& trusting) her people.
^^ I agree with leading. But it was a kickass character so having her around was cool no matter what :D
is anyone going to the fedcon in dusseldorf, germany? :D
richard dean anderson and tony amendola will be there...
we luckily got our tickets and i'm already that nervous....LOL ^^