Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

i also think that he did this to another girl and she follow him to stella's place and then the 3 have a fight and she kill him or maybe it's a jealous mistress who follow him!we'll see
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Melina was on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson last night. They showed a couple of scenes from RSRD. One was of Stella finding the website, which is aresanob.com or Bonasera spelled backwards.

Yeah, I caught the tail end of that interview. It was cute. She was talking about the scene where she was in her underwear.

Anyways, So Stella finds a site called aresanob.com? Didn't that happen to Olivia on SVU? Except it was a man with a fake computer business called Aivilo.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I agree with both of you. Although I'm kinda upset that they are basicly combining the two best storylines of the year into one big episode. I would prefer to see on episode focusing on Danny and his probalems with a bit of hinting to Stella's episode... Then the next week could be Stella's week....

Oh well....

By the way Ella? I nearlt died when I asaw that awsome pic of Joaq :D
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

When you go to the website aresanob.com it redirects you to http://www.cbs.com/primetime/csi/aresanob/ which is pretty much a blank page except for this statement:
"Footage coming April 19."

So this must have something to do with the internet stunt that Anthony Zuiker was talking about.

Wednesday night Spike TV's CSI repeats is 'Revenge is Best Served Cold' for those of you who have not had the chance to see Carmine on the LV CSI as Thumpy G. :)
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Well I certainly hope she's not the one who shot him. But I think there should be quite a couple of smacked moments! two more days to go. And I cannot wait.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Although I'm kinda upset that they are basicly combining the two best storylines of the year into one big episode.
I don't think they are. During the preview for RSRD, they say "In the last minute..." I think they're going to save it for the week after next.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the thing with Stella will be at the very end of "RSRD" since the main storyline happens in the next episode, "All Access." But I guess that means that "RSRD" won't end with an emotional Danny like "Tanglewood" did. :(

Yay! "RSRD" is almost here! I'm getting excited, which is probably kind of wrong since I can't wait to see what happens to Louie and for Danny to break down and sob all over Mac. Here's what I'm wondering: What is it that ties Danny to the body that they find? Fingerprints? DNA? The words "Danny Messer was here" written on a piece of paper? ;)

I'm inclined to think that Louie's injuries are going to be caused by the Tanglewood Boys, but I wonder if it's to keep him quiet or if it's to send a message to Danny. It's so frustrating that, even with previews and an idea of what the show's about, we still can't even say for sure if Danny's even involved with the TB. *pulls hair out* Arghh! :p
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

They *want* you to be throwing your crockery at the walls. It means their scriptwriters are doing a good job, releasing intriguing information and making you desperate beyond desperate for more.

(and I love to state the obvious. :D )
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I'm probably just grasping at straws, but Frankie couldn't somehow be involved with the escort service, could he?

I still don't know how that would explain whatever Stella finds on the internet.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Is the escort service got sumit 2 do with stella's case or something?
Im so confused.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yes the case stella works on take place in an hotel which there are escort girls like the one we saw in the preview trying to seduce stella maybe she's a murderer we dont know and i really dont know how stella found the site frankie made maybe she was a little bored at home and she just enter her name on internet or maybe someone like a nother girl told her to!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

The Tanglewood boys want their revenge.

But the strange thing is, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Danny has never been in the Tanglewood gang before. Right? I'm guessing that maybe Louie is and that he must have done something to make them mad and so they come out for revenge.

But then again, someone could have stated this somewhere or I could be completely wrong. :lol:

And as for Stella's new storyline? Bring. It. On. Because all I can say is "BYE FRANKIE".

Re: Spoilers on future episodes

YES bye bye frankie you see my banner?:):)!! but i think it's because danny never been a tanglewood that they hate him no?and he choose good studies and a real job not hate u know and i think louie is going to die!!so sad poordanny!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

We're not positive whether Danny was in the Tanglewood gang or not. "Tanglewood" leaves it kind of open for either way.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

it's sure that he wasnt a tanglewood cause he doesnt have a tatoo and then you just cant get out of the gang expect by dying!
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