Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Perhaps because Les Moonves even admitted he was a bit worried about GA taking a chunk of CSI/V's audience, so they want to keep the show foremost in viewers' minds by saturating the network with the Vegas promo? It's still their biggest cash cow after all, and they want to keep it that way. But yeah, I'm disappointed to see much less advertisements for NY - although I've been seeing them at odd times, when I come home for lunch and turn on the TV, I'll see NY ads during soap operas or daytime talk shows, and I saw one very late last night before going to bed, about 1am. So they might be showing as many NY promos, just not during prime time... :(
Which, for me, does not bode well for the show--they're advertising it during soap operas? I wonder what type of audience they're hoping to attract?

*sporks self to death to avoid the horror of Soapy!NY*
why are you dreading it, tuesdaymorning? I am dying to see it at last. I can only handle reruns for so long. And I can't wait to see Flack back in action. He's my favorite. I just love him!!!
Some of the reasons and some of the spoilers that have been released.

Kinda makes me just nervous looking at the previews. And I've listed reasons ago in some other posts.
I know what you're talking about TM. I'm not liking some of the spoilers either. I just hope some of them aren't what they seem.

Either way, I'm excited about the new season. I'm can't wait to see Danny and Flack again. They are so hot.
i cant wait to see wat else danny is wearing :devil:
and also to see more of the hug scene.. lol im fed up of jus seeing a glimpse :(
Can't wait to see the next series. BTW Hello, I is new. I've just learned I need to post quite a bit to show my lovely avatar *sobs*. Expect random posts from me (probably in the Mac threads, ahem) Anyway, the new series, might be some time until I see it, but awaiting lots of spoilers from friendly posters. Also, how do you do the emoticon thing? I am quite new and feeling stupid *sobs with feeling*
hee too bad we can't have him wearing nothing at all, chellyiah :D Er, okay, maybe just shirtless, since we don't wanna go too far on TV. Or on here for that matter, much as we all know we want to <g>. But then they have down shower scenes, I'd settle for that or a towel scene.

umm the emoticons can be done by placing the word inside colon...like the devil one is evil...but I don't know the list. I prefer when I can access the smiley list myself. Hit reply for that I think.
Yeah, you either hit 'reply' in the upper right side of the last post to type the post on a new page, or you can type in the 'Quick Reply' box down at the bottom and then keep the 'Preview Reply' option checked. That will take you to the 'reply' page as well. The emoticons are located underneath the text box where you can click on them. Once you've used them a few times, you'll learn the codes. ;)


I'm not too thrilled about some of the spoilers, but I'm still really excited about the new season. :D
ka990 said:
lyne said:
I've been watching TV Guide channel and they are doing a fall preview thing, they did a blurb on CSINY and Gary Sinise said (paraphrasing)"we ended last season with a big bang, one of our team was hurt, and we'll deal with that a bit this season." I was hoping they weren't going to just put Flack back to work like the bombing never happened. I mean, come on! That was a BIG deal!!! The season 3 spoiler pics sure have him looking GOOD! But then he's my favorite character so I would say that!!! [/quote

Orison - hope you don't mind my asking, but you seem to know a lot about what's coming up! Is there any news on this? Thanks! :lol:

Any sign of Orison yet? I would really like some info on this! Thanks! :lol:
Tomorrow night is the night guys! :D Everyone excited? :D

Luveykat, I am so with you on Mac and Stella. I see a deep friendship there, but nothing more. And yeah, if they've known each other for years and not hooked up, the chances are slim.

As for Danny and Lindsay, scripted lines and forced interactions do not chemistry make. ;) Yes, the show seems to be going with them, but I wouldn't look for them to sail off into domestic bliss anytime soon. That wouldn't make for good drama.

I'm intrigued by the story line for Hawkes, about him knowing the victim. It's about damn time the writers gave that man something to chew on! :D
all i'm seeing are spoilers....where can i find some new pics on the latest season?..please.
there are a some new pics a few pages back i think... and there are some in the picture thread 2 :D make sure your not standing up when you look at them tho hehe danny and flack are jus the thing to knock you sideways!!! hehe :lol: