That's exactly it. It isn't a little case of the sniffles. According to the websites I visited, she would most likely be in ICU for up to a week before being moved to a special unit that dealt with pulmonary cases with a highly trained staff. She'd be in that unit for a good week to ten days or longer, depending on her recovery befor finally being released and there would be a mandatory time spent at home before being allowed to go back to work.
I'm really hoping that there'll be a passing mention in a few episodes. Maybe she'll cough and that look of alram will cross whomever she with's features and they'll ask if she's okay. Or she'll try to chase down a suspect and have to stop, sending whomever is partnering with her after the bad guy as she's leaning against something all winded.
Okay, I don't klnow if the previous paragraph belonged in spoiler code or not since I'm only throwing my own ideas out there. Sorry if it should have been.
I haven't seen any mention of any lasting affects her ordeal might have had on her but that doesn't mean anything b/c I don't
see everything. Ryan went back to work fairly quickly after his eye injury and I don't think, not sure here, if his eye problem was mentioned in the ep directly after or one or two eps later.

Eric's injury was more serious therefore, it was mentioned in the ep right after.
Corey told me that 715 was soooo jam packed b/c Diddy was only available for a short period of time and there was soo much going on in the ep that it did feel weird not contunuing with the ongoing storyline from the previous ep. He said there was just no way that they could get certain stuff in there b/c of time constraints
715 was such a stand alone ep in the sense that NO theme or situation from the ongoing storyline of the season was stood on its own. It was an ep solely about the case and the forensics, nothing else. I think it still worked b/c of the fact that
nothing at all from the season thus far, was mentioned. Had one or two things that happened previously been mentioned in the ep and THAT left out, then I think it would have been weird. But again, b/c nothing was mentioned, the ep was just able to stand on its own and deliver.