Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...

congrats Wolfe_Angel ! i hope your ceremony goes well! well done on your acheivement!!
ok i have a question, does any one know where i can get some caps from bang bang your debt besides random scribblings?
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...

Wolfe_Angel said:
guys this is off topic but i had to share!!! im graduating officially from highschool tonight (they do the graduation here in kitchener now instead of spring time) and im soo pysched!!!

Congratulations Wolfe_Angel. Lots of hard work but when you graduate it's all worth it. Enjoy your day!! :)
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...

Here is a Rory graduation gift for you:
Re: Speed/Rory #17

aww thank you very much guys!!! i had an awesome time, and im officially a high school graduate!!! woohoo.again thanks for your support and the congrats :D
Re: Speed/Rory #17

Heh, if only we could all recieve that for Graduation. ;) By the way, them jeans are mighty fine. :eek:

Congrats Wolfe_Angel. :)

I'm wondering what Rory's latest projects - if any - are. After his stint on Miami, hopefully we'll see him in another movie or perhaps another tv show.

So TvGuide says Rory will be back on Miami for anothe episode--you guys think it'll be this season? If so, what would be the plot involving him? I've been wondering this for a while as the episode with Speed was really an 'ender' so-to-speak re the Lost Son angle and Eric's dealings with it. At least that's what I gathered from it. So do y'all think it will almost cheapen that episode if they brought him back a second time? Or will it be great either way to see him once again. Although I'm not complaining, especially since BBYD was more than I could have ever asked for. :)
Re: Speed/Rory #17

It'll be interesting to see what the second episode's plot is. BBYD was the best episode in the last few seasons, and it was so much more than I ever could have expected... so... as much as I'd love to have Speed in another episode, I just hope it doesn't ruin BBYD.
Re: Speed/Rory #17

OMG his totally Yummie!!
I love all the photos I seen here, but that
last one of him in the black suit has my heart
going Bang, Bang, Boom, Boom,at full speed!!! ;-)

Thanks You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I need some chocolate!!!!! :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #17

speed_cochrane said:
Heh, if only we could all recieve that for Graduation. ;) By the way, them jeans are mighty fine. :eek:
Indeed they are! :cool: :devil: He wears them well....

So TvGuide says Rory will be back on Miami for anothe episode--you guys think it'll be this season? If so, what would be the plot involving him? I've been wondering this for a while as the episode with Speed was really an 'ender' so-to-speak re the Lost Son angle and Eric's dealings with it. At least that's what I gathered from it. So do y'all think it will almost cheapen that episode if they brought him back a second time? Or will it be great either way to see him once again. Although I'm not complaining, especially since BBYD was more than I could have ever asked for. :)
I'm kinda hoping they have his second episode as the cliffhanger at the end of the season, which of course then means he will just have to be back next season to wrap up that storyline. ;)
Re: Speed/Rory #17

Congrats to Wolfe_Angel! :D

speed_cochrane said:

So TvGuide says Rory will be back on Miami for anothe episode--you guys think it'll be this season? If so, what would be the plot involving him? I've been wondering this for a while as the episode with Speed was really an 'ender' so-to-speak re the Lost Son angle and Eric's dealings with it. At least that's what I gathered from it. So do y'all think it will almost cheapen that episode if they brought him back a second time? Or will it be great either way to see him once again. Although I'm not complaining, especially since BBYD was more than I could have ever asked for. :)
Well, I really hope that the plot of the episode doesn't cheapen BBYD because I think that it was a great episode. Besides that I'm really not so sure at this point what I think the plot should be about. I'm just really excited that Rory is going to be coming back again. :D
Re: Speed/Rory #17

who knows whats going to happen, as long as its not lame as hell and they don't ruin all the awesomness that came along with BBYD i'm excited for anything. although it would be a little nicer to sorta of know exactly what they have in plan for him. and you know whatever happens i want to see a scene with rory and togo just to see what would happen ha.
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