Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

Damn, lament, those are long stories! But I'll read 'em :D I've started on "Found"...yay ghosts!

Nice pic up there hehe
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

Damn, lament, those are long stories! But I'll read 'em :D I've started on "Found"...yay ghosts!

Nice pic up there hehe

Would now be a good time to tell you they're WIPs? :eek:

I've got a Word open right now, and I'm updating one of them!

I must find some pics of the boys!
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

I so didn't see "Would now be a good time to tell you they're WIPs? :eek:" til after I was done with both :p You muuust finish them both soon! :D They were so good! But Unknown...damn Speed, damn...
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

Finally a slash thread for my 2 favorite guys on Miami.. they had such good interaction together how could you not see the slash potential there.

Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

speedlefan1:Finally a slash thread for my 2 favorite guys on Miami.. they had such good interaction together how could you not see the slash potential there.[/b]

I know! I just loved their interaction. Something that strikes me about "Lost Son," by the way: Speed and Eric come to the crime scene together, and H thanks them for cutting their vacations short. They took their vacation at the same time! Squee!

Jeff: But Unknown...damn Speed, damn...

Yeah, that's been tough to write. I know what's coming, and it's only going to get rougher. :( But I'll update soon! :)
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

Yeah lament you gotta update stoon. There both good. lol. Seriously. Update soon. lol.

And that is very intersting about the whole vacation thing. mmm...makes me wonder.
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

I love these two together they are just so awesome. The vacation at the same time thing also makes me wonder. These two are always so funny together. They sort of remind me of Nick and Warrick
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

I know! I just loved their interaction. Something that strikes me about "Lost Son," by the way: Speed and Eric come to the crime scene together, and H thanks them for cutting their vacations short. They took their vacation at the same time! Squee!

Awwww.... now isn't that adorable! :D
definitely they took vacation at the same time... if not together ;)

Oh... nearly forgot these ;)



Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

I like Eric/Speed too.

But.....I love Horatio/Speed more..

I think I can to find Speed with Eric's scene picture..

I will post here.
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

I can slash Speed with almost anyone. :D If you want to, kimberiea, you can start a Horatio/Speed thread. ;) I'd post in it.

What is everyone's favorite Speed/Eric scene?
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

They're a hot couple, for sure. I think they balance each other. Speed is centered and calm, while Eric is vivacious and social.