Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

hmmmm....not that i can think of. then agian my brain stops working quiet frequently. especailly when i'm tired...which i am quiet frequently due to stupid work...
Wish i could have a ghost speed to keep me company...
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

Well I am sure people here can come up with a good topic. The people around here are pretty creative at topics for threads like this.

I actually have carried this particular topic from two other threads, it may get some interest going around here. Would you ever see Speed and Eric doing some sort of play or musical? Which type of charecter do you think they would play?
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

I've had thoughts for the other characters (IE: Stella and Lindsey as the wicked witch and Glinda from Wicked. if you listen to "Defying gravity" kinda sounds like their coming out to me. and i can just see Stella as the wicked witch. *Snort*)
As for Speed and Eric...*Snort* little mermaid. Speed is Prince Eric's manservant. hey Ariel doesn't know its not human custom to have the man servant in the marriage bed...or for her husband to be more interested in the manservant then her....>_>
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread

*Blows dust off thread*


Wow :lol: Looks like I missed some discussion... from over a year ago :lol: Just thought I'd bump this up and see if there's any new interest in my favorite ship.

Perhaps a good topic of discussion (if there's any here but me, of course :shifty:) would be to look at each of the episodes and examine their scenes together, and what we like/don't like about them. Or any other scenes that might hint towards Speed/Eric.
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

Well I've been watching CSI: Miami season 1 and i could so see the interaction between those two and i can say that they are cute together.

Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

Well, no wonder why I didn't see this thread when I began posting back in June :eek: It's been pretty much dead for the past two years. :(

I'll talk Speed/Eric with you nevermore if you're still into the ship. I'd understand if you weren't, it has been over two years since anyone really posted in here! :lol:
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

:eek: Oh my goodness! Someone found the thread :lol: *blows dust off* Nice to have some company in here.

Yep, Speed/Eric is still my ship of choice :D
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

Holy...Yay!!! A ship thread on Speed/Delko! I'd be more than happy to stay and make a chair warm with you ladies if your wanting to make the thread alive again.
Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

Yes, please :D :p I'll bring refreshments :D
:eek: Oh my goodness! Someone found the thread :lol: *blows dust off* Nice to have some company in here.

Yep, Speed/Eric is still my ship of choice :D
:guffaw: I was just at a complete shock seeing there was no S/E thread :eek: So I decided to do some digging now that I know it's ok to dig up threads from half a year ago :thumbsup:

Yayness! I absolutely loved them from the first time we saw them on the CSI crossover :adore: They're such deep characters, we know Eric quite a bit and nearly nothing about Speedle. I think that just add mores to the idea of Speed/Eric.

I wish more was expanded on those two, I mean we got to see Ryan/Calleigh interaction (non-romantically) and Callie/Delko (both romantic and non-romantic).. A bit of Ryan/Delko, but not really, it's mostly animosity. :(

But Speed/Delko, they had so much potential. I wish Eric had more of a reaction to Speedle's death :(

What do you love about the pairing? What was your favorite Speed/Delko episode?