Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

IHeartEric: Thanks!

Aggie: I'm glad you liked them.^^

forensicsgirl I'll forgive you. :lol: Glad you liked them.

I'm warming up to the idea of Salsa as well :lol: I can see them dancing salsa, *runs off to write a fic about it*
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

forensicsgirl I'll forgive you. :lol: Glad you liked them.

*blows kisses*

And hey, can't wait to read your Salsa fic. The more I think about it, the more the name Salsa rocks for this ship... If everyone is on board with it, i'll add it to the ship names list. Let me know ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Yey, I'm loving SALSA! And here's little poem about our ladies:


They're mild
yet they're hot
They're sweet
and yet tough
They're bold
and they're smart
Know how to
fight hard
They're fire and rain
and up for a game
They're sexy and sultry
with touch of the spicy
With beautiful minds
they're one of a kind
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

I just saw a couple of clips from 'Secrets and Flies' - was it just me, or was Sara checking Sofia out when she walked towards the house???
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Why yes I do... I took the liberty of capping it. I watched it several times, and theres no real reason for Sara to be watching Sofia go - except to check her out...





See what I mean...? :D :devil:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Non of the gals seem to like her!
Nor sara nor cath..but i think there could be a cool fight between Cath/Sara/Sophia..jeje!Maybe sould make of thred about that!!!
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Why, thank you, girls, now I can go to bed happy... :D
Can I just add some whipped cream to that equation? :devil: