Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

LOL, pimping my fic, are ya? I'm not much of a sequel type of girl. ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

yesssssssssss and pllllllleeeeeeeassssssssssse would you write one ? ;) It's not fair to let us stay with such a ???? about the scary guy standing in the corner. Awwww pretty please? ;) And don't forget we would have a way to cope with SC absence on TV and you could explain how she would react about the news that Sara is leaving (she wouldn't because she knows all about it) and, if I know a little about the way the CSI usually deal with the emotional stuff, I would say they won't deal with it. They won't wast a single word or breath, saddly :( but a girl can dream on, can't she, my dear atmf ;)?
On a serious note (well, I was serious with my begging too :D) thanks by all means, it was great to read.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I had a weird flash today of a scene between the ladies that I might write down within the next days, not sure yet if I can develop it into a fic but it had to do with Sara telling Sofia she is leaving.

I'm not sure yet whether I want Grissom in it or not. What do you guys think? Do you prefer stories that leave out the Gross- no, Grissom thing? Or do you want your fics to be "realistic" and go relatively in synch with the show?

Personally I'm repulsed by everything that hints at a romantic/sexual relationship between the two although when it's well written I would buy a friendship or platonic relationship. You rarely come across those, though...
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

That would be a great idea Mia, looking forward to it :D .
I have nothing against GSR, but I don't fancy it. S and GR don't have chemistry, although I love GR dearly, really ;). On the other side SC/LL and SS/JF are sizling and sparkling with so much pent up energy, they could light up LV for the next aons :D. So I stick with the ladies. And you are right too, a good GSR is rarely found.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I've finally gotten round to finishing a Sassy fic. Is for that P&P challenge over on LJ. Anyone know when we're allowed to post them? I really would like to, even though it's not too good. Tis still Sassy. :D Though it's all from Sofia's POV, really.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

It'll be on livejournal and, but when it's up, I'll toss a link to it in here. :)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Well, on that regard we never had from the writers anything resembling a BIG connection between S/S :(. I'll stick anyday to sassy. More rewarding ;).