SMACked: Taken from Times-up


Head of the Graveyard Shift
SMACked: Taken from Times-up.

Written by MacsLovlyAngl

I do not own these characters or the title, just the story.

Chapter 1

As Stella reached Mac's office, she noticed he wasn't there. Walking over to his desk to drop off the file, she seen a piece of paper on the floor. Picking it up, she couldn't help but look. She knew she should put it down and leave, but she couldn't, for in her heart she knew it was from Peyton.

As she read it, she realized that Mac would need her company. Oh he wouldn't admit he needed her, but Stella knew different. Knowing Mac would be where the music was, she headed out to find him.

Walking into the bar, she seen him playing the bass on stage. As she watched, he noticed her, as he gave her a little smile. When they finished playing, Mac put down his bass, and walked over to where Stella sat.

"Stella. How did you know I was here?"

"I just knew Mac. I'm sorry. I found the letter on the ground in your office. I didn't mean to read it, and I'm sorry for doing so."

"That's okay Stella. I understand."

"So how you doing Mac? You going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine Stella, don't worry about me."

Looking into Mac's eyes, she could see his pain, the type of pain that tears you slowly from the inside out.

"She had no right to end it that way Mac. It was cowardly and uncalled for."

"It's okay Stella. I should have known it wouldn't work. I should have known when I left England. I mean all the time I was there in the Hotel, never once did she stay with me at night. She always went home."

Reaching her hand up, Stella stroked his face, as she gave him a small smile.

"Would you like to dance Mac?"

Smiling back, he replied....

"Sure Stel, let's go."

Taking her by the hand, they both felt the warmth. As they neared the center of the dance floor, Mac put his one hand in his pocket, and the other around her waist. Wrapping her hands around his neck, they began to move.

"You are a wonderful dancer Mac. I always thought you would be."

"As are you Stella."

Looking into each others eyes, they both felt a sensual pull. The type of pull that draws you into someones heart. Not being able to look at Mac's intense eyes for long, Stella moved in closer, and laid her head on his shoulder.

Moving sensually to the music, Mac couldn't help but feel Stella's body reacting to their swaying. He could feel the need, as she began raining little butterfly tip caresses around his nape.

Knowing she may not be aware of what she was doing, Mac allowed himself to feel as he took his hand out of his pocket, and place it around her waist. Wrapping her tighter and closer to him, his hands sensually slid down to her backside, where tiny caresses began.

Feeling the new touch, Stella didn't panic. Instead she pulled herself into Mac, as far as she could, grinding pelvis against pelvis.


As he heard her sigh out his name, he knew it was time to stop. But how could he, when she felt so right where she was. Knowing the song was coming to an end, Stella leaned her head off his shoulder and looked into his beautiful green blue eyes, and that's when he seen it. The passion, the passion that burned in her eyes from his touch. His touch, that had never been felt by her.

"Stel.....I think the music has stopped."

"I know Mac. But I don't think I can move. I don't think I can release you. I have this overwhelming desire to dance with you all night."

Mac knew what she was feeling, for he was feeling it too. Deep down he knew that this night would change their friendship forever.

Removing his hands, he placed them in his pockets where they were safe from wanting to touch her again.

"Come on Stel, I'll take you home."

Leading her to the car, Mac opened the door for her, and helped her in. Opening the drivers side, he got in and noticed her body was quivering.

"Are you cold Stella?"

"No. No I'm not cold Mac. But thanks for asking."

On the drive home Stella noticed how quiet they were both being. She knew too that their friendship had taken a turn down forbidden territory. Arriving at her home, Mac walked her to her door.

"I'll see you tomorrow Stella?"

"Yeah. Yeah you will Mac." she smiled.

As Mac walked back down the stairs, Stella knew this would be her only chance to explore what they had both felt tonight.


Turning to face her, he smiled.

"Yeah Stel?"

"Did you want to come up for coffee?"

"I'd like that. Thanks."

Walking back up her steps, she unlocked the door and invited him in.

"Make yourself comfortable Mac. I'm going to go start the coffee."

While Stella headed to the kitchen Mac looked over her Cd's. Finding one on slow Jazz, he slipped it into her stereo. As the music played Mac smiled.

Listen from the kitchen Stella couldn't help but smile too. For out of all her CD's, Mac picked the one she would have picked. It was one of her favorites. Bringing the coffee into the other room, they sat down to drink it.

As they drank it, Mac and Stella both noticed how quiet they had become. They both noticed that their friendship had indeed changed.

"Umm....thanks for the coffee Stel, but it's getting late, I should go."

Getting up off the sofa, Mac felt Stella take his hand. Turning to face her, he could see what she was asking without a spoken word.

Smiling softly at her, she walked with him to the door, and as he turned, he said....

"Stella. I know something has changed between us. I could feel it the moment you were dancing in my arms. But I also feel it's something we need to explore. Even though I think we both know where this heading, I'd like to ask you out tomorrow evening. We could have dinner at my place, and watch a movie."

Smiling at him she whispered....

"I'd like that Mac. How about around 8pm?"

"I'll see you then."

Opening her door, Mac turned one last time, wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her in close, and kissed her cheek.

"Night Stella, sleep well."

"You too Mac."

Locking the door behind him, Stella smiled as she looked forward to tomorrow night. A night they both knew would be full of possibilities.

End Chapter.
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Thanks for another story Linda. You really makes my day today. How i wished.. I agree with you that "SHE" is indeed a "cowardly and uncalled for" :devil:. Aw.. Its so lovely.. "Dance with you all night". I'm glad that both of them have the same taste for music :lol:. I'm sure this story will be really interesting. A relationship that slowly develops into intimacy.. Thats like it. Thank you Linda. Can't wait for the next chapter.. :)
The following morning when Stella arrived at work, she seen Mac sitting in his office looking over a case file.

"Morning Mac." She smiled.

Looking up from his file, he smiled. "Morning Stella. How did you sleep last night?"

"Good. Thanks for asking. So what are looking at?"

"Oh, just an old case file. I still have like 25 unsolved on my desk."

"I see. I'm going to head down to see Sheldon. I'll talk to you later."


"Yeah Mac?"

"Are we still on for tonight?"

Smiling widely, she answered...."Yeah. Yeah we are Mac. See you at 8."

After she left, Mac took Peyton's letter, and tossed it into the garbage can.

"Onto the future Mac. No looking back." he said to himself.

"Hey Mac. We've got a double homicide in Central Park."

Grabbing his kit, he headed out with Danny.

"Where's Stella?"

"Her and Sheldon have already left."

"Okay Danny, let's go."

Mac smiled to himself inside, for he knew Stella was obviously able to handle what they were exploring within each other.

When they arrived, Stella was already processing the scene.

"Hey Stel."

"Hi Danny. hey Mac."

"Hi Stella. Sheldon TOD please."

"I'd say no more then four, maybe five hours ago. Rigger is just setting in."

As Mac bent down to look at the bodies, he noticed the jagged edge of the victims flesh.

"Looks like some kind of steak knife wound."

"That's exactly what it is Mac. I'd say the kills were quick. Straight through the Aorta. Victims bled out."

"Mac!!! I've found something."

Walking over to where Stella was standing, he seen what looked like the murder weapon. A lone steak knife, covered in blood, thrown into the bushes.

Putting on his gloves, Mac picked it up and examined it.

"Good fine Stella. Looks like a print on there. Bag it and tag it."

"Mac!!! I've got an ID on the victims."

"Go ahead Flack."

"Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, 1442, 42nd street. There's also something else we found on the victims. Both had a double cherry tattoo on their hand. I checked into it, and it seems they were at a nightclub called Pacha. The address is 618 West 46nd street."

"Okay Flack. Take Danny and Sheldon with you. See if you can get any information from the staff, or any possible witnesses."

"You got it Mac. See you back at the lab."

With the bodies on their way to Sid, Mac asked....

"Stel, would you like a ride back to the NYPD?"

"Sure. Seeing Sheldon took my only means of transportation," she laughed.

As Mac was driving Stella asked....

"How did you sleep last night Mac?"

"It was touch and go. I got a little sleep. I think it was about 4am I took off for a little jog."

"But you're doing okay otherwise?"

Looking her in the eyes he said....

"Yeah Stel. I know everything's going to be fine."

Taking his one hand off the wheel, he wrapped his fingers around hers and gave her hand a little squeeze.
"Onto the future Mac. No looking back." < If he says this to himself in real then good. :guffaw:I can't wait for their dinner tonight. LOL its like i'm in there. :lol: So many Hi's. I was blur back then.. I repeat it and i got it. I'd always love your story Linda.. Your story is just perfect because its half General and half romance.. That was great! Ahahaa..Lovely.. Can't wait for the next chapter.. :drool::drool:
Asprine, can you tell I'm teasing you, by making you wait for their date:p:lol::lol: thanks for the reviews you guys, you all rock:)


When Stella and Mac arrived back at the lab, they headed down to see Adam.

"Adam. Did you get anything off the Knife?"

"I did Mac. I found the DNA from both victims, plus one unknown male DNA. I'm running it through now."

"Okay, when you get the results let me know."

"I will Mac. By the way have you seen Sheldon?"

"He's with Flack and Danny, working on the case."

"Oh. Well you might want to call him. sid's been up here twice now. It seems the haulers haven't brought in the bodies yet of Mr. And Mrs. Thompson."

"Those bodies should have been back here long ago."

"I know that Mac. But according to Sid, the haulers haven't arrived yet."

Leaving Stella standing with Adam, Mac headed down to talk to Sid.

Meanwhile Don, Sheldon and Danny arrived at Pacha. As they entered, they noticed how empty it was.

"Excuse me. You can't be in here. We don't open till 5pm, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Pulling out their badges, they flashed them at the manager.

"Oh....sorry about that. What can I do for you Detectives?"

"Can you tell us if you had any altercations here last night?"

"Here? In this bar? I don't think so. This nightclub has the best Security in NY. Believe me, we've never had a problem here."

"Okay. Can you take a look at these two pictures, and tell me if you recognize this couple."

Looking at the pictures, he quickly answered...

"No. No, I don't know them. If there's nothing else Detectives, I must get back."

Flack knew something was up. He could tell by the expression in the guys face as he looked at the pictures.

"No. That's all for now. But we will be back."

Leaving out the door, Danny said....

"You know he's lying."

"Of course I do. I knew from the moment he looked at the pictures."

"So what are we going to do now?"

"We are going to let Mac know that tonight, we are all coming back here, to talk with the staff. Someone had to have seen something."

Heading back to the NYPD, Sheldon and Danny were looking forward to tonights events.

In the Morgue.

"Sid!!!! What's going on with those bodies?"

"I don't know Mac. They haven't arrived yet."

"Have they called in?"

"No. I haven't heard anything from them since the first time they called to say they were on their way."

Mac was as confused as Sid.

"I'm going to send out a couple officers to find those haulers."

As Mac walked out the door, the haulers were just arriving.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Yelled Sid.

"We're sorry Sid. We had a flat. If you like you can check with Officer Ruther, he stopped to help us."

"Okay. Get those bodies inside, now."

Not having to be told twice, they began unloading the bodies.

"I'm sorry Mac. I'll have the reports to you as soon as possible."

"Thanks Sid. If I'm not in my office, just leave them on my desk."

Walking back upstairs Mac checked his watch.

5:25pm. I need to get out of here. I still have to pick up dinner at AcquaPazza on 52nd street." He mumbled to himself.


"What did you find out Flack?"

"Not alot Mac. But we do know the manager was lying about knowing the couple. So Danny, Sheldon and myself are going back tonight."

Mac smiled.

"Umm...I take it this is undercover?"

"Of course Mac, winked Flack. We wouldn't dare take advantage while being on the clock. Want to come?"

"No. Thanks for the offer. But I have plans tonight with a very special friend."

"Get out. Det.Mac Taylor dating again." Laughed Danny.

Not responding to Danny's humor, Mac walked away with a smile.

Watching Mac walk away Danny said....

"What the hell do you think of that guys?"

Shrugging their shoulders, they walked towards the lockers.
Linda.. You're really teasing me now.. :lol: I thought, finally.. but when i read finish you makes me get impatient :lol:. Where's the date, Linda? :). I can't wait to read the dinner part and after the dinner part. Ah.. *dreaming about what will happen in Linda's Story*
The manager acts so nervous when Danny and Flack asks him about the couple and thats good because Danny and Flack gets to realise that there's something wrong with him and they always works best together. When i first read that the bodies are gone.. I thought another interesting case? :guffaw: But in the end it came back. :lol: You're really good at getting me entertained even though its just a sentence.. "Detective Mac Taylor Dating Again" << this really makes me laugh out loud. I'm waiting for your stories Linda. But..Take your time in writing. I will wait because i know the longer you take the more interesting and lovely your story is.. :)
Getting into his car, Mac drove to AcquaPazza and picked up their dinner. Then stopping at the liquor store, he grabbed a bottle of white wine to go with the Filet Mignon Brochette with Shrimp.

Arriving at home, he placed the dinners in the oven turning the temp on low. Heading into the bathroom he ran the shower, stripped off his clothes, and allowed the spray to wash away the day.

Turning off the taps, he wrapped the towel around his waist. Walking into his bedroom, he put on his black jeans with a white t-shirt.

"Now a couple squirts of cologne, and you are ready Mac."

Giving himself one more look in the mirror, he headed into the kitchen, opened the wine and allowed it to breathe as he placed it in an ice bucket.

With everything ready, he checked the time.

"7:43. Not bad Mac."


Hearing the bell, Mac realized Stella had arrived.

Opening the door, Mac stared in awe. For here was Stella dressed in slick black pants, with a white low cut blouse. Laughing she said....

"We almost match Mac. Oh, and I brought dessert. Baklava."

"That's great Stella. Not only are we dressing the same, but we are also thinking along the same line. For I picked up our dinner at AcquaPazza."

"Mmm...they make wonderful Greek food. So what did you get us?"

"Let me take your coat, and I'll tell you."

As Mac moved her hair out of the way with care, he felt her shiver. Not wanting to release her yet, he leaned in and whispered near her ear....

"I got us Filet Mignon Brochette with Shrimp."

Stella tried not to move, for the feeling of Mac's breath upon her ear was overwhelming her senses.

"Mmm..sounds delicious."

Hanging up her coat, Mac grabbed her hand and lead her to the dinning room chair.

"Here you go my lady." As he pulled out her chair.

Sitting down in the chair, Stella admired Mac's handy work. He had the table fully decorated with fine china dinnerware, and tiny pink rosebud roses in the center of the table.

"I'll be right back Stel."

Heading into the kitchen Mac removed the food from the oven and placed it on a platter. Walking back into the dinning room he seen Stella leaning over, looking at his CD collection.

"Is it okay if I put on some music Mac?"

"Sure. Help yourself."

Stella chose a CD that was full of romantic songs. Placing it in the stereo she walked back to the table.

"Mmm...smells wonderful Mac."

Picking up the wine, he filled their glasses and sat down. As they ate not a sound could be heard until they were finished.

"Oh that was wonderful Mac. Beautiful menu choice."

"Thanks Stel. Would you like somemore wine?"

"Not right now. How about another dance Mac," she smiled.

Pulling out her chair, he took her hand and lead her to the living room. Wrapping her in his arms, he pulled her close as she leaned her head on his shoulder and began to sway to the music.

Sliding his heated hands up and down her back, was driving her to distraction. Trying to get herself closer to him, she inhaled his gorgeous cologne and sighed, as his hands continued caressing her back.

"Mac!!! do you have any idea what you are doing to me?"

"Yeah Stel. I think I do. For it's the same thing you're doing to me."

Raising her head, she stared into Mac's handsome eyes, and that's when they both felt it, the pull, the surge of sensual aura between them.

As they leaned in to share their very first kiss.....


Knowing their first moment together was interrupted. Mac released her and answered the phone.


"Mac it's Don. Sorry to bother you during your date, but as we've arrived at the club Officers where on scene. It seems someone has killed the manager of Pacha.

"Okay Don I'll be right there. I'll pick up Stella on my way. Don't let anyone leave."

"I won't Mac. See you soon."

Hanging up the phone Mac turned and seen Stella with their coats in her hands. Trying not to laugh he said thanks.

"Im really sorry Stella. As soon as we are done with this crime scene we'll come back and have our dessert."

"Sounds good. Let's go."

Taking Mac by the hand this time, they headed out to Pacha.
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Aw..Linda, You really love teasing me eh? I thought there are going to be more than that when i read from the beginning but I love it like this. Slow and Steady. :lol: I'm sure Stella will drool if she sees Mac in towel only:drool:. Mac's really a good cook. Wow, They wear almost the same clothes? That will be really lovely. I can picture all your story line.. That was brilliant Linda.
Their first kiss was interupted by Don.. :(. << Love this part :lol:
"have our dessert" What dessert? Is it the real dessert or something that i expect? I know you're going to tease me again. :lol: I can't wait for your next chapter.. My brain is spinning. :guffaw:*Wonders what Linda will write next chapter* :drool:
Llllllllllllllliiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *jumps up and down* Im loving this new fic :D and I really cant wait for the update! Its gonna be good...
know you're going to tease me again
Who me??? You must be joking:lol::lol:

Llllllllllllllliiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddaaa aaaaaaaaa!!!! *jumps up and down* Im loving this new fic :D and I really cant wait for the update! Its gonna be good...
:lol::lol:Calm down NattySuess:lol::lol:

You guys are great.:p


When they arrived at Club Pacha, Mac found Flack and Danny questioning the witnesses on what they had seen. Looking around for Sheldon, he found him over in the corner with the DB.

"TOD Sheldon?"

"No more then an hour ago Mac. From what we can gather from witnesses, they say he walked out of his office and collapsed. But if you look at his mouth, see the bluish tinge? He's been poisoned."

"Okay Sheldon, thanks."

Getting up Mac walked over to one of the waitresses.

"Excuse me, I'm Det.Taylor. Can you tell me where I could find your bosses office?"

"Sure. This way."

As Mac began walking with the young girl he asked....

"Did you happen to notice your boss talking with anyone before the incident?"

"Umm...I'm not sure. I know he had arguement early with one of his partners that help with the club."

"So he doesn't own this club?"

"No. He's the co owner."

"Do you happen to know the owners and their names?"

"I'm sorry Detective, I don't. But this is his office."

"Thank you."

Putting on his gloves he opened the door, and noticed the papers and furniture scattered around.

"Hey Mac!!!!"

"What is it Danny?"

"Whoa...what the hell happened in here?"

Turning to face Danny he said....

"I don't know, but this is where we need to start. Go get Stella."

As they started processing the office, Stella noticed some blood drops.

"Mac!!! I found some blood. Looks like something did go down in here."

"Okay Stel, grab a sample, I'll be right back."

Heading back out, Mac walked back over to the body. Bending down he checked the victims hands.

"What are you looking for Mac?"

"This. It's blood on his knuckles. Get a sample of it, and wrap his hand before the haulers take him. We should be able to get DNA off him. Stella found some blood in the office. Her and Danny are collecting samples."

"Okay Mac."

"Where did Don go?"

"Umm..he's over there with the waitresses."

"Thanks Sheldon. Don!!! did you get anything?"

"No. Everyone has the same story though. The guy walked out and collapsed."

"Okay. Start releasing the witnesses. I'm going to check the surveilance tapes."

"Sure. Hey Mac!!!"

"Yeah Don?"

"Was your date upset that you had to leave her?"

"No. He smiled. She was very understanding."

Walking away, Mac had a huge smile on his face.
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