Slashy? Only if you make it! LV RP

"Really?" Sara repeated in a low voice, before shrugging her shoulders slightly. "Not bad." She answered simply. "You?"
A pretty little smile positioned it's self upon Sara's thin lips at Catherine's comment. "At least she's staying out of trouble."
What did I miss? Sorry about the other day. I didn't know that I was going to be gone until midnight. Of what I read you Grissom showed up and assinged Greg a solo case, Nick is Grissoms partner in crime:lol:, Nick and Warrick are working on a case,Catherine volenteered to help Sara and now Sara and Catherine are talking about Lindsey and acting like a teenager. Did I miss anything?
(Someone needs to be Warrick for Greg's sake. :lol:)

Greg had set to work, snapping photos of the scene before going about and collecting evidence. The young CSI kept finding himself drawing his eyes back to the dead body of the woman. He'd heard of worse, but actually being there to tough it out was something else. Greg took a moment and stepped out and down to the hotel lobby, waiting for the coroner's to arrive, but taking his time to call Grissom.

"Pick up, Grissom..." Greg mumbled, hearing the line ring. When he spoke, he realized just how much he was shaking.
{I'll be Warrick if you like. What shall I do?}

"Uh..." Sara began, realizing the way that her words had come out. "Sorry."
"Grissom, I know this is probably going to sound pretty stupid of me.. But can you send someone over to do the case with me?" Greg asked. He knew Grissom hadn't seen the butality of the crime scene, but he wasn't about to explain unless his stomach calmed down. "I'm sorry.." he quietly appologized.
"Yes I do.." she sighed. "I just don't know what to do...she's changed so much, y'know? Sometimes I wonder what happened to that sweet little girl that used to wait for me to come home every night..." she mumbled. "Now...I just can't read her."