Slashy? Only if you make it! LV RP

"Grissom, are you losing your hearing again? Sara already said she matched the prints to her suspect," Greg said to his supervisor with a toothy grin.
Sara felt as though she was about to let her head hit the table...Very, very hard. "No, that's already been done." She commented to Catherine, refuring to driving her crazy.
"Then maybe you should go get some fresh air," Catherine suggested. "I'll go with you, even. This coffee is starting to make me feel nauseaus, as is the smell of Greg's cologne."
Nodding her head, Sara pushed her chair away from the table and stood up. Without waving goodbye to anybody, she waited for Catherine at the exit of the brake room.
Catherine followed behind Sara rather quickly. As soon as they made it outside Catherine took a deep breath, as if she had just come to the surface from underwater.
Sara seemed so much more relaxed outside, away from the lab. Which was confusing, seeing as that's where she chose to spend most of her time. Looking over at Catherine, she figured a conversation needed to be sparked, though, she was lacking the words to do so.
"We'll is the print related to one of the suspects?" Grissom asked. He just glared at Greg knowing what was gonna happen to him later."I'm not trying to drive anyone crazy. I'm just trying to just know what's up."
"My cologne isn't that bad!" Greg hollared after Catherine. It was a moment later when the young lab tech raised the water bottle to his lips and took a large drink. He let out a light sigh soon after before turning to Grissom. "I don't suppose you have anything for me, do you?"
"Greg your finally working solo today. 419 in the bellagio. Room 327 near Murder Central. You seem you can handle the case so here." Grissom gave Greg the assignment slip.
Greg took the slip, looking at it for a moment, his eyes slightly wide. He wasn't nervous about doing the case, it was the face of being solo on it. Not many on the team did solos since Nick's kinapping over a year ago so this was a first for him. "Grissom.. Shouldn't I try and take.. I dunno.. Warrick with me? Or someone?" Greg questioned.
"Warrick and Nick are working a case in Downtown. Cathrine and Sara have their Case. Unless you want me there with you your working solo."Grissom said.
It was then Greg started to feel a bit embarassed for saying that. "Well uh.. ah.. I'll be fine," Greg finally said, making his way out of the breakroom and to the locker room, getting ready and soon heading out to the Bellagio. There was no way Greg could ask Grissom to 'watch over' him, in a sense, just because he was a little frightened of a mishap.

When Greg arrived at the scene, he ducked under the crime scene tape and took a look around. A dead body was an understatement, it looked like a slaughter house. Blood was all over the walls and the victim, a young female, was badly beated and cut up. Oh God... Greg thought, hearing in the background one of the officers throwing up down the hall in a garbage can.
Sara looked over at Catherine, a small smile forming upon her lips. "Yeah, it is." She agreed, nodding her head slightly as she leaned against a wall, facing Catherine.