Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

Mine from the latest challenge:

V3 and V4

V2 and V3


Other ones I didn't use:

Wendy 1 and 2


Lindsay 1 and 2
From the latest banners challenge. :)




Wanted to do something different and I figured there wouldn't be many of Wendy and Mandy. :)

From the Miami challenge. Artist choice got Miami scenery from me since I love doing Miami scenery. :lol:




Banner request please. I am dying for one with my four favorite guys from Wednesday nights. Here are some pics if that helps, but if you have better please feel free to use those. And if you can write something like, the hottest guys on tv or something like that it would be awesome. THANKS!




Hey guys good day! I would like to request a banner for my signature. I want a night view of New York City including the Empire State Building and bright blue text below saying "The City That Never Sleeps". I made one but I think its blurry and the ESB is too far away (small). Thank you!
Hey guys good day! I would like to request a banner for my signature. I want a night view of New York City including the Empire State Building and bright blue text below saying "The City That Never Sleeps". I made one but I think its blurry and the ESB is too far away (small). Thank you!

I gave it a shot. :) The blue text didn't show up well at the bottom, so I put it at the top. But if you can find a pic and/or another font you like better, I'd be glad to make something with it. :)


Oh, and just FYI, the one you have now is a bit too large. The maximum size we can have for a signature banner is 220x75. :)
Hey guys good day! I would like to request a banner for my signature. I want a night view of New York City including the Empire State Building and bright blue text below saying "The City That Never Sleeps". I made one but I think its blurry and the ESB is too far away (small). Thank you!

I gave it a shot. :) The blue text didn't show up well at the bottom, so I put it at the top. But if you can find a pic and/or another font you like better, I'd be glad to make something with it. :)

Thank you Smokey! I like it! Can I have it? :)

Oh, and just FYI, the one you have now is a bit too large. The maximum size we can have for a signature banner is 220x75. :)

Ooops, sorry. I just removed my big banner. :)