Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

Mine from the latest challenge:


Different text

w/text brush and just the first pic
can anybody do me a sig with these piccys of ryan!!!!.......


I dont mind if you use both, or you just use one of them...
thanks frm aimee
Thanks,GNRF.I do not have a picture in particular so you can choose as you like but I want the banner to say "time for happiness" or something related.
Well, I made some, but photobucket it being contrary again. In Firefox it won't upload anything new. It acts like it is uploading, but then when I click save, it goes back to the original album and no new items are added. So I tried to open photobucket in IE and it opened in some weird mobile format or something. I don't know what the heck is going on. Anyone else having these issues with photobucket?

Okay, I had to upload them to imageshack, but it times out a lot, so you might want to save them to your computer as soon as you get the chance.


If anyone knows of another free site (besides photobucket and imageshack) where I can save my fanarts and be able to post the img tags here and the urls in those icon/banner generators (to post on my LJ) please let me know of the site addy. Thanks.

Electra, I hope you like the banners. :) I messed up and put "smiles" instead of "happiness" cause I forgot what you wanted on there. I hope it's okay.
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