Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

This is a second one I made for the Welcome to the LV Forum challenge...before I realized we could only enter one. :lol:

Smokey, I love the Vegas banner :D Thanks for sharing!

MacsLovlyAngl, nice banners! I like the last one best but the b&w is really eye catching!

GNRF, your Greg on the highway banner is awesome :D I love it!

Here are my Lyrical banners:


(a note on this banner...I loved the cap and made the banner before I thought of what text to use. I agonised over that until the last minute! In the end I went with Beautiful Day by U2, because there are times I belt it out at the top of my lungs, especially when it really *is* a beautiful day. Greg just looks so happy in that cap, like he's singing away so for me, the words really suited it.;))


Great work on the challange banners:)

Egeria: the third one is great. I love the sillouette

GNRF: your second Greg, love the colors you used.




More at my LJ...maclovlyangl
Those are great Smokey, the lyrics on the first one made me giggle, it's very fitting. The second one is awesome too, the lyrics go so well with the expression on his face, well done :D
Dragonfly, those are great! But I like the horse one you're using the best! Beautiful!!! (says Smokey, hoping that you made that one too :lol: )
Those are gorgeous GNRFan, I especially love the second one, that heart brush looks great, well done. :D
Dragonfly, those are great! But I like the horse one you're using the best! Beautiful!!! (says Smokey, hoping that you made that one too :lol: )

Thank you! :lol: yes, I made the horse banner, too. I've loved horses for as long as I can remember. I just wish I didn't get so nervous when I was on them :(

GregNickRyanFan, great work! I love the wording in the first one, and the heart brush (is it a brush?) on the second one :thumbsup: It's all pretty and glow-y
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