Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

Hey all, I come here with a request. I'm looking for a signature banner to use for my current story, Se Salva.

I would especially love an animated banner that incorporated the plot description, which is:

"Four robbers return to the scene of a casino heist, resulting in a brutal hostage situation for the three CSIs still processing the casino. Only two CSIs make it out, and the entire team struggles with the aftermath. Catherine and Warrick try to hold what's left of the team together, even when it means putting it before their personal lives. Wendy strives to fill Greg's footsteps and fulfill her own dreams as she finishes her proficiencies, while Nick is devastated by grief -- and heartbreak. Grissom decides that an addition to the team is what everyone needs -- or is it just what he needs? Finally, Catherine recognizes a pair of melancholy eyes on the man who took her, Nick and Greg hostage on that gruesome night, bringing back memories of a tragic love story of years far past."

I know the descrip is long, so the whole thing wouldn't be necessary. If animating it with the plot info would be too much work, then some sort of banner with Nick, Greg, Cath, Wendy and Warrick and the title would be really great. The Grissom part of the character descrip is less necessary than the other parts since he has a much smaller role. If possible, I'm also looking for something I can use as an LJ banner for the story. Thanks in advance ;)

Also, amazing jobs with all of the banners!

- I am in total awe of your coloring! It's so bright and gorgeous! I am fairly certain that I voted for the Bullet Girl and Cal&Nat ones. The Cal and Nat one is especially amazing. Just... wow. o_o

MacsLovlyAngl- I love the arrows and the text, as well as how cohesive the coloring is. It just feels like they all fit together. The coloring is bright, but understated, which is always a difficult thing to pull off. Awesome job.

Jacquie- I love the captions! The first Nick one totally cracks me up. Really awesome job finding the caps. Those are really good ones, and great examples of the itsy bitsiness.
Great Itsy Bitsy banners Jacquie, MacsLovlyAngl, and csifann1! Csifann1 we used the same cap. :)

Here is the only one I entered in the Itsy Bitsy challenge:
Great banners, everyone. Here are mine from the challenge:


I made a whole bunch more that I didn't enter, but I'll have to put them up on my LJ and post the link later. Firstly though, doesn anyone know of a icon/banner generator that will let you put two in a row? The one I always use won't let you do less than 3 in a row and that with banners stretches the screen too much.
hey how about a banner? :)

since this seems to be the place for all sorts of banners, here is what I would like :)

Ok after searching everywhere, I coudn't find any pics of Ryan/Jon in sunglasses, or Eric/Adam in sunglasses.

I wanted a banner with Adam/Eric, Jon/Ryan, and George/Nick in sunglasses, with the lyrics from ZZ Tops "cheep sunglasses" going from pic to pic.

so I am a sad sad person, who can not find any pics...

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hey how about a banner? :)

since this seems to be the place for all sorts of banners, here is what I would like :)

Ok after searching everywhere, I coudn't find any pics of Ryan/Jon in sunglasses, or Eric/Adam in sunglasses.

I wanted a banner with Adam/Eric, Jon/Ryan, and George/Nick in sunglasses, with the lyrics from ZZ Tops "cheep sunglasses" going from pic to pic.

so I am a sad sad person, who can not find any pics...


I don't know about Adam, but I'm sure I've got some caps of Nick in sunglasses somewhere. As for Jon, well they never show Ryan wearing sunglasses, but I know there are some pics of Jon somewhere wearing them. You could try asking on the Jon/Ryan thread in the Miami section. I'm sure someone has some.

Here's a link to a page in my screencaps album that has some Nick in sunglasses pics. I hope this helps, but if not, you could try asking in the Nick/George pic thread (aka the Ward) in the Vegas section. :)
Fantastic banners everyone :D

Ok here are mines from the challenge.

Yep I made one from each show. I thought I had to try :lol:
As for Jon, well they never show Ryan wearing sunglasses, but I know there are some pics of Jon somewhere wearing them. You could try asking on the Jon/Ryan thread in the Miami section. I'm sure someone has some.
Agrrrr, how many times i asked for this pic and no luck :( If someone give me this pic i make banner (icon, wallpaper), yep i have big plans on this pic :lol:
Florry, the banners are awesome :eek:
I really love the 1st one :adore:
Orla_Dark I know it's not the pic that you wanted but I found some pics of Jon with sunglasses , HOT :drool:
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Thank you MacsLovlyAngl and HappyHarper :)

wow so many gorgeous banners :eek: :bolian:
Since, today I've some free time, I'll comment individually everyone :D

MacsLovlyAngl - Great banners, I love the coloring :D
Jacquie - Nice banner too, I love the text you used :)
FallenForFlack - I love your banner :bolian: And yes we did :lol: I had to use one of Speed :D
GregNickRyanFan - Amazing banners, I really love the Natalia and Nick one :D Great coloring!! I use this table generator and I think you can put, even 1 per row :) -
Florry - :eek: Awesome!! Enough said :p oh, no no, I love that little detail in the Eric's one :D The black and white thing in the evidence, it's gives a special touch to the banner :bolian:

Rita and nicksarafan2, I'm almost sure that's from Broken Home, but I can't find the cap :brickwall:
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Here is an old banner I made with Ryan in sunnies......:lol:


and this cap and the cap Orla_Dark is looking for I lost with a ton of other caps with my computer crash last year. :confused:
GregNickRyanFan - Amazing banners, I really love the Natalia and Nick one :D Great coloring!! I use this table generator and I think you can put, even 1 per row :) -

Rita and nicksarafan2, I'm almost sure that's from Broken Home, but I can't find the cap :brickwall:

Thanks for the link. :)

Wait a minute they've actually shown Ryan wearing sunnies on the show? Okay, why don't I remember that? I know I've seen all the eps. :lol: What season is "Broken Home"? I've only got 3 and 4 right now. But, I'm getting five and six I know for sure in August. Rest assured that when I go to cap that ep that I will cap the heck out of him in sunnies. :D

More of the banners I made, but didn't use for the challenge:

Wait a minute they've actually shown Ryan wearing sunnies on the show? Okay, why don't I remember that? I know I've seen all the eps. :lol: What season is "Broken Home"? I've only got 3 and 4 right now. But, I'm getting five and six I know for sure in August. Rest assured that when I go to cap that ep that I will cap the heck out of him in sunnies. :D
No, he wasn't. It was promo pic for Broken home, but they never show him in sunglasses in that ep.