Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

CSIFann- those are gorgeous! Your coloring is ALWAYS gorgeous, you fab person :p Sleepy Cal is hilarious and I love, love, love the coloring on Eric. I'm not normally a huge Eric fan, but your coloring makes his lips look oh-so-kissable :alienblush: And the three heads of Miami is awesome too. The more restrained coloring works really well there, and I love the balance of blues and browns and darker colors. It works really well and kind of even reminds me of a painting. And the caption is perfect. I love how you made the three bigger words all line up (relatively) with the characters. Awesome job!

Gosh, thank you so much :D

'bout Eric's lips, that was my intention :p
I love all the Head challenge banners! Nice work guys!! :thumbsup:

One banner from me, matching icon in the Miami icon thread.

egeria love the banner. Very simple, yet bright and cute :thumbsup:

Ok I don't usually make banner b/c yeah I kinda hate them since I can't usually find a good way to crop the, but here we go....I finally made two banners ;)

Florry - Great banners, why do you hate them? I don't know where's the problem of the crop ;)

Egeria - :adore: lovely Ryan banner, love it!!!
Great banners everyone, I was wondering if someone could make me a Calleigh banner, I don't have any pictures in mind so feel free to use what you want. I'd do it myself but I'm pretty busy at the moment. Thanks in advanced.
Great banners everyone, I was wondering if someone could make me a Calleigh banner, I don't have any pictures in mind so feel free to use what you want. I'd do it myself but I'm pretty busy at the moment. Thanks in advanced.

I was really needing something to do right now *school ended :p*
I'll give it a try, right now :D