Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Great new banners everyone. SpeedDemon ,that's a really great first banner, well done! :)

Saya they are all really lovely. :)
Okay, I'm sure there are bunches on here, but I pretty much jumped to the back. I'm pretty retarded when it comes to banners, so could someone please make me one of Greg Sanders, with the words, "I'll always protect you Laura."
Thank you sooooooo much!!! :)
Love all the banners, guys :)

ericisacutie, I tried your banner, hope you like it :)

Wow, a lot of new stuff here! And fantastic one, guys!
Andreina, lovely new bunch (esp. Nicky and Greggo, yummie ;) )
Saya_Ray, thank you for posting those wonderful banners, I esp. like the Ryan and the 2nd Carwash one :D
Ann-Marie, no more words needed, you know how much I like your work :)
iloveyou, your work for NicknGrissom looks awesome, great job! and Roos: why don't you come in here more often? I'd like to see more beautiful banners from you *chases*
Okay, I hope I didn't forget anyone, bye! :)

Oh, Stoked_4_Stokes: do you have any pictures for us to work with? Would be easer ;) AND:

Happy Birthday, mj! :D
If anyone would like me to make a 'is love' banner for them please PM me, I've been doing a bunch of them lately...but have only gotten up to Lindsay :lol: From NY, that is. :)
Thanks c-girl :D (that's your new nickname ;) :p) You always know how to make me feel good :)

I whipped this one up quickly the other night... there are so many great pics from Velocity Trap :lol: :p

I like all of your Ryan banners.esp. No.3
he is really worth of making banners. :lol:
And you did a very good job!!! :D
AWESOME banners, Hormiga! :eek: Those are a hotness overload! :lol:
Hope to see more Ryan *cough*and maybe Calleigh*cough* banners from you!
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