Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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I'm desperately seeking a Sara/Nick banner, though I'm not quite sure exactly what I want. Yet, I do have an idea for an animated banner using a scene from Suckers. It goes without saying that I'll credit!

If anyone is willing to help me out or got nifty ideas, please pm me!


edited because I changed my mind on design!
Here 2 Speedle Banners, hope you like them :D

Oooohhh, what a terrific thread! And it just took me ...uhm: 2 weeks to find it...and one post in the false thread (for icons, I'm sorry, I've just cancelled it!)
So I hope I'm now right in here: is it possible to use a banner as my sig even if I don't have reached 100 posts? And when it is possible: can PLEASE anybody help me with this? My problem: I'm not very talented in finding pics, creating pics or upload pics, but I'd love to have a banner with Ryan and Calleigh together... :rolleyes:
Thanks in advance for every answer!
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