Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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I ask you a favor. for courtesy someone can make a banner me of Danny with of the images of the first session? Thanks for the availability....
well i was able to upload the pictures earlier today and here they are:

Flack 1
Flack 2
Flack 3

If it's possible, is there a way it can be made to switch from picture to picture. I don't really care as to what the banner says; I would just like someone to try to make a banner for me.

Thanks a lot! :)
ItDBMe said:
well i was able to upload the pictures earlier today and here they are:

Flack 1
Flack 2
Flack 3

If it's possible, is there a way it can be made to switch from picture to picture. I don't really care as to what the banner says; I would just like someone to try to make a banner for me.

Thanks a lot! :)

this is 4 u
hope u like it :D

always Flack
11 Marg Banners



If you want to see more open your eyes
Heey lovely banner maker people's. I was wondering if someone could make me the following banner.

have this pic.
and then have it say "I'll be" and then this pic

and then have it say "Your crying shoulder"

and then have it flash these two piccies. thank in advance.
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