Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #14-LV: Original Cast - Voting!
First of all let me tell you that the votes were quite few, though I coulnd't postpone post otherwise I would have done next week since I'm leaving for Easter. Anyway thank you to all the people who entered the challenge and voted
Secondly, I sort of had a misunderstanding with one of the partecipants and I apologize another time for this misunderstaning
Finally, this was my last challenge, so check out who is gonna replace me :thumbsup:
Ok time to tell you who the winners are.
I calculated the votes like this:
40 --> 15 points
58 --> 10 points
23 --> 5 points
Compliments to one of our artists who got all the positions :thumbsup:
Blackflag with 70 points
Blackflag with 60 points.
Blackflag with 50 points.
Recognition award
GregNickRyanFan, loved how you improved your skill and love the coloring of the whole banner. Also great blending :thumbsup:
DJRiout with 90 points.
Speedystokesgirl wtih 65 points
Mrs. Sanders with 45 points.
Recognition award
Mrs. Sanders you got the theme along with a great coloring and I would definitely use a banner like this.
Thank you everyone for this challenge