Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

yeah, and it should be something that is important for the case aswell. Something odd, creepy which Sid would love, and of course he would be the one who solves the case. It would be completely awesome. Sid deserves it.
I love all we all think the same about Sid! :D Maybe we can have an impact on the show? Sid's fan base is definitely growing. Hurrah!

And I agree, we need a episode-story that's centred on Sid. Point of No Return kind of counted (still one of the best episodes ever, and certainly my favourite Sid-ish episode :D), but not really because Sid's involvement was minimal. It needs to be more like what happened in Flag on the Play, except more...Sid-like, I guess. I liked Flag on the Play, because it was touching to know how involved Sid got in this one case; but what bothered me about the way it was done was that we never got much of an explanation as to why this one case affected Sid so much. I felt like it was a storyline that could've been given to any one of the five ME's in the CSI franchise (Alexx, Tara, Doc Robbins, Tom or Sid) and very little would've changed.Whereas something like sitting down to listen to performers in the subway...seems quirky in a way that only Sid could be, and the other ones can't.
I agree about what you guys say about Sid getting his own storyline. So far every character in the show got their storylines or centric episodes, etc. Sid is a main character as well, so I think it's his turn. He was a big part of some episodes, like when everyone was worried about him in Page Turner and of course his affection in Point Of No Return. But after so many seasons I think he should get a bit more, which would then give us a chance to learn more about him. Possibly something that is not directed to another character or so, like it was in Point Of No Return. That would be awesome.
That's why I dislike Flag Of The Play : completely soulless in the sense that Sid, which seems to be a great deal in the story line, never put his "imprint" in the story telling whatsoever. He was just there doing the tasks and dirty job (kinda like a robot would stay out the your way while doing your chores?) yet he'll always be so sensitive and compassionate no matter what -- that's just who he is. And the lack of explanation makes me dislike the episode even more. It just didn't made sense to deliver this kind of story if you don't bother explaining anything to the audience. I mean, why bother? Of course we'd like to know why or how it affected Sid so much because we just know so little about him as compared to the others where things could be implied because of what has been known so far. Am I making any sense here? I mean, I'm fully on Ranting mode :lol: Sid deserved so much better out of FOTP even though I did enjoyed seeing him so much. I just wished there was purpose in using him for this one episode in particular? He barely gets any good reason to get out of the lab so why not make it meaningful for his character?
Point Of No Return was much more relevant compared to FOTP, definitively. It showed more depths of his character, the flashbacks were awesome, the stories he told in the episode were great too and how he showed up in the end also told a lot about Sid. I also loved his expression in the final scene. He can be creepy and makes you wonder if he's sane after all these hours at the morgue but he's still disgusted by all of it, he's not dumb to it even though he keeps his cool at the morgue and still doesn't comprehend such horrible, horrible crimes. I don't know. It showed how multi-faceted the character is? Not sure how to put it.

yeah, and it should be something that is important for the case aswell. Something odd, creepy which Sid would love, and of course he would be the one who solves the case. It would be completely awesome. Sid deserves it.
And I think because it is creepy Sid would know how to solve it and how to follow the leads and evidences :lol: Every time there was something odd in a crime he would nailed it and brush it with a shrug like "Yeah, it's normal for me to know these things, you know I'm there for that" hahaha! I thought he and Stella made such a great team in Flag Of The Play, though. Great dynamic and team work. They outta work together like that again or maybe with Hawkes?! Would be cool to see them solve a crime together after both sharing the morgue :lol: I always thought they had a special connection because they're MEs. Or it's just me? lol

ETA : When are we going to have our Robert Joy interview/chat?! :(
I love this dude! He's hilarious! :D What I'd do to get glasses like those... too bad my vision is so awful I could never actually take them off. :lol:
I was just sitting here thinking about the season 3 episode "The Ride-In". In one scene Sid was talking to Mac and Sid got to talking like he was about to throw up. Mac asked him if he was all right. Sid said he just threw down a meatball hero sandwich and he had a little indigestion. Then a few scenes later Stella found him unconscious and not breathing on the autopsy room floor. He was in full anapholatic shock. Then near the end of the episode he was talking to Stella and he told her he should've checked that sandwich better. They never did say what he was allergic to.
Does anyone besides me wonder what was in that sandwich that he was so allergic to?

Quick off topic comment.
PianoWizzy, did you notice your post is #333? LOL.
Thanks for the inspiration. I gotta go post what it inspired in the "You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY" thread.
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And I think because it is creepy Sid would know how to solve it and how to follow the leads and evidences :lol: Every time there was something odd in a crime he would nailed it and brush it with a shrug like "Yeah, it's normal for me to know these things, you know I'm there for that" hahaha! I thought he and Stella made such a great team in Flag Of The Play, though. Great dynamic and team work. They outta work together like that again or maybe with Hawkes?! Would be cool to see them solve a crime together after both sharing the morgue :lol: I always thought they had a special connection because they're MEs. Or it's just me? lol

:lol: So very true. It's really usually him who knows all those creepy and weird stories. And I also agree on Hawkes and him being close. Possibly that's really because of their jobs. I love how much concern Hawkes showed in Page Turner (which aired here a while back, can't really say much about season 6 yet unfortunately).

Does anyone besides me wonder what was in that sandwich that he was so allergic to?

Oh yeah, I remember this episode. I also wonder what it was, I also don't remember if they said what it was he reacted to. But what I loved was how he reacted to Stella and tried to calm her down when they talked later.
Speaking of Sid and Hawkes, I love thier conversations. I watched a re-run a while ago. Watched 'Communication Breakdown'. There is a scene where Sid asked for Hawkes help, to run a high res 3D CT. It would save some extra time and trouble, instead of going through 30 feet of gastrointestinal tract. When Hawkes asked if Sid really asked for his help, Sid gave a long and detailed answer. All Hawkes could say afterwards was: 'I take it as a yes'. I liked it. Sid never just say yes or no. He always give long and detailed answers instead.

In the same scene, Sid also mentioned that he has a Lithuanian grandmother. So he can speak some of their language as well. How cool is that? He also mentioned that his grandmother used to drive him nuts. (Yes, he said nuts. Not crazy/insane or something else). I don't know, I just found it weird. I know he was much younger back then. But it is still almost unbelievable. As i've always seen Sid like a calm person who rarely gets annoyed or angry. So it's hard trying to imagine that someone can drive him nuts.
Originally posted by ME: Carolyn333
Does anyone besides me wonder what was in that sandwich that he was so allergic to?

Oh yeah, I remember this episode. I also wonder what it was, I also don't remember if they said what it was he reacted to. But what I loved was how he reacted to Stella and tried to calm her down when they talked later.

I was watching that episode when I posted that about how I wondered what was Sid so allergic to in that sandwich. NO they never did reveal what it was that Sid had such a deadly allergic reaction to.
TPTB read my lips: :scream:I WANT TO KNOW!!!:scream:
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Quick off topic comment.
PianoWizzy, did you notice your post is #333? LOL.
Thanks for the inspiration. I gotta go post what it inspired in the "You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY" thread.
Holy moly, and I thought I was getting paranoid enough by CSI when I wouldn't even touch doorknobs! :alienblush: That number really freaks me out!!
Sid and Hawkes have one of the best dynamics -- I always get the feeling Sid's like a grandfather Hawkes is entertained by, until he goes off on the TMI explanations :lol: And another ME that Sid seems to have a close relationship with! Between Hawkes, Pino,, Sid comes off as the general mentor of the ME's office.

Vildis said:
In the same scene, Sid also mentioned that he has a Lithuanian grandmother. So he can speak some of their language as well. How cool is that? He also mentioned that his grandmother used to drive him nuts. (Yes, he said nuts. Not crazy/insane or something else). I don't know, I just found it weird. I know he was much younger back then. But it is still almost unbelievable. As i've always seen Sid like a calm person who rarely gets annoyed or angry. So it's hard trying to imagine that someone can drive him nuts.

Yeah, it is strange -- Sid only ever gets annoyed when someone messes with his job/the corpses in the morgue, so ... well, I can't imagine the grandmother ever doing either!:lol: Then again, we know Sid was named after at least one of his maternal relatives; I think his "driving me nuts" statement may have been made in affection, like she drove him crazy but in a good way. I doubt he would've held anything against her...unless, of course TPTB give me reason to think otherwise, hinthint ;)
But Sid doesn't always get annoyed/mad when someone messes with his job or the corpses. I remember when The compass killer left a compass next to a body in the room, while Sid was gone for a short moment. When he came back, Mac was there and noticed it. Sid never became mad/annoyed though. He managed to remain calm.

But yes, Sid was named after his mother. Apparently. According to the episode: My name is Mac Taylor. I think it's kinda weird, as I have never heard of something like that before. I know that some mothers give their daughters the same name (either first or middle name), and the same with father and son's. Or other close relatives. But the kids never get a name after a female relative if it's a boy, or male name if it's a girl. But I think the name Sid suits him well, so I don't mind.
Vildis said:
But Sid doesn't always get annoyed/mad when someone messes with his job or the corpses. I remember when The compass killer left a compass next to a body in the room, while Sid was gone for a short moment. When he came back, Mac was there and noticed it. Sid never became mad/annoyed though. He managed to remain calm.

Oh no, definitely not always; but off-hand, the only times I recall ever seeing him come close to losing it are a) Pino, with his harvesting the organs from the bodies in the morgue, b) when Danny saw Ruben in the morgue and was about to touch the body, and c) when that PI in "Sex, Lies, and Silicone" broke into the morgue and was hovering around the body. He doesn't get mad/annoyed that often, but when he does it's almost always job-related. (Except Pino, because I think most of that anger was with Pino's betrayal.)

But yes, Sid was named after his mother. Apparently. According to the episode: My name is Mac Taylor. I think it's kinda weird, as I have never heard of something like that before. I know that some mothers give their daughters the same name (either first or middle name), and the same with father and son's. Or other close relatives. But the kids never get a name after a female relative if it's a boy, or male name if it's a girl. But I think the name Sid suits him well, so I don't mind.

LOL, I agree -- I've been wondering ever since whether Sid's mom's (or grandmother?) name was something like "Sydney", only spelled differently :lol: It's a nice name... I know of some guys who've been named after women in their family (and vice versa), depending on whether the name itself, or a variation of it, works for both genders. Something like Jordan, or Ryan (or even Louie, if naming him after a mom or grandma named Louise :lol:).
I could never get tired of his glasses. :) Sid has a wicked sense of humor and I'm glad they never cut him off. But I wished he got a little more excitement. Maybe lockdown in the morgue with all the dead bodies.

I bet that wouldn't bother him too much. ;)

Keep on rocking, Sid!
I love Sid and his glasses also very much. It is an enrichment for CSI Ny. CSI without Sid is inconceivable. He is a great actor and a likeable man.






^ LOL, that last picture with his hair all messed up? Classic endearing Sid (although he's usually a lot neater -- I'm thinking that third pic was from Child's Play, where he got hit with the itching powder? :lol: Awesome scene, btw).

Maybe it's because we've seen less of him this season than we ever have, but while Sid's gotten several strong moments (his mini-tiff with Stella in the Marina Garito episode, and their later make-up might be my favourite from the entire season) I still feel like he's lost his quirky spark. I'm not any less irritated about it than I was a few months ago...if anything it bugs me more, because I figured that he'd get it back as the season went on :shifty: When was the last time he had a full-on "creepy" moment that left the others taken aback, or laughing, or cutting him off; like from S3 and S4? I completely agree that it's not CSI:NY without Sid, and I'm fairly sure that's one big reason the season's felt pretty lackluster.
Yes, you are right. The Picture was from Child `Play. Unfortunately, CSI NY becomes a little the soap opera. Thereby is effective Sid and co no more properly. Pity! I would like to see rather more site of crime inquiry.