Shipper names??

Bikes, ducks, something.

could be dikes... oh, wait a second that doesn't sound good... this ship needs a name: Flaid, you know like first aid, y'all could go pirate w/us DnAers then we'd be like:

"how's yer Flaid'n ship ta-day?"
"grand. an' yer jolly roger? sailin' outta port are ya?"
do 'talk pirate day' on Sept 26 argh!

my, that's ingenius...
Okay, attention all shippers - what is your ship name? Certain ships, like GSR and DNA, to name but two, have well known, easily recognisable names. We need to know the rest of them.

lament and I will be doing a sticky post soon with a list of all the ship names (or as many as we know at the time of posting) and we need your help. Go back to your ships, discuss what you want to be called - it doesn't have to be made up out of the letters of your characters names necessarily -it could be from something they say or do together, or from a scene, or anything - for eg Yo!Bling is from Warrick saying "Yo" and Cath saying "BlingBling" in ep 1.02...

Use your imaginations, have fun with it, come up with something that is distinctly your ship's and won't be confused with another.

Many thanks ;)
I love GeNiuS for the geek threesome. Didn't you see my banner?


And looking at the thread title for Horatio&Cath, I'm thinking maybe HoneyDear might be a good name for them...? What do the H/C shippers think?
I think the Brass/Sara ship are kinda sold on 'Sass' - it really suits them. But you can certainly suggest it in the Brass/Sara thread and see if they like it.

midnight_tiptoes Hip Huggers is one of the names i already thankfully have on my list. But there are still heaps of ships with no names yet.

Any Flack/Aiden shippers around? I heard that 'Benzos' isn't mutually agreed upon by your ship. Is that correct? Do you want to come up with another name? Let me know...
Eric/Calleigh shippers have been "Hip Huggers" for nearly a year now.

On the year anniversary, I think we should celebrate by hip-hugging Adam. ;)

We need a name for Nick/Greg/Sara. Most everything I think of is dirty. :lol:
Dirty is fine with me, lament ;) Why? what are you thinking?? :D

Okay, here's some names I need so far (there are more, but I'm still trying to compose the list - there are SO many ships!!!) If some of these names have already been posted somewhere, please forgive me - like I said - SOOOOO many ships!

Catherine & Greg
Speed & Megan
Stella & Danny
Nick/Greg –
Nick/Warrick –
Warrick/Greg –
Grissom/Nick –
Grissom/Greg –
Nick/Greg/Sara -
Danny/Flack -
Mac/Danny -
Speed/Eric -

Like I said, there are others. But those'll do for a start...
Well, I already told you about Nick and Greg. ;)

We need something groovy for Nick/Warrick and Nick/Grissom, but I got nothing. :(

*lament, who is waiting for the maintanence man*
Well, I already told you about Nick and Greg. ;)

You did, and that shouldn't have been in the list, but i'm currently going mad :lol: there are just Soooooooo many ships! can't we scrap them all and just have one giant orgy??? :D :lol:

edited to add - how about WarNick for Warrick/Nick? Not clever or anything but... Well, my excuse is over-work :p
This may be hunger speaking, but is there some kind of quote from PNN that we could nick for a Nick/Warrick name? That's always been such a powerful episode for the couple.