*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Nah, she dished on you this time. I'm on this next interview. :D then you again. sucker!

Yay, glad we're still on!
Huh? eggs? :lol:
Ldizzle check out the ET 9/19/2006 interview.. both Marg and George were interviewed there. I think you will like it. :)
Hahaha they are so cute in the new ET interview! Me, I'm so happy that they've included Marg on the show for two days straight hehe.
:eek: Wow, she was hot in that clip!! I so love the shower part :D
And thanks for the link of the interview Hottie, I saw fragments of Marg and George dancing which I hadn't seen before..
Me and Squishy plan on eggin' some houses if we don't get scenes this season.. .We've been planning it for awhile now. and if I don't get any shirtless!Nick, Danny, Mac, Flack this season. I'm eggin' some more houses. :D .. If thats Roos or Ath or Kels behind me shaking their heads, they gonna get it too.

..And you know me to well, Rdizzle :D
Aww Hottie you beat me to it. Where can I find the ET interview besides aam? My registration over there is messed up at the moment. :D
OK... i watched... *DEAD* Holy Marg!! She's so freaking Hot!! im sorry but that Top... just made my day!
Thanks so much for let it me know about that video!!
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