*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Where's Auda when I need her.. Or Ath. I'm used to rolling my eyes at them... Oh well, I'll roll my eyes at Squishy.
coolcatz said:
so if we did a survey the winner for best bad relationship for cath would be chris/cath cuz of the hotness

I don't know, C...

I kinda liked Adam Novak for the arm sex and the fact he made her blush! Plus, the kiss was hot ;)
but, you've also got Eddie in that category. With all of the backstory, plus Lindsey, plus a wonderful Marg performance in LHB - it all comes back to Eddie. That would be my vote!
Adam & Chris would both fit into the "sleeze" category. They also both have the chance to come back in upcoming episodes - Eddie doesn't- unless it's the "ghostly" or "it's-all-a-dream" form. I still miss Tim Carhart.
^ But Anne. There wasn't a relationship between Catherine and Novak at all. LOL. I'll admit the kiss was HOT, though. :D

*gasp* kay! *huggles*
i'd love for alan to reprise his role as novac. lots of opportunity there. as for eddie showing up you never know. we've got ghosts coming soon enough.
this is my second post yay!! absolutly was going to star with my hottie Cath/Marg girl! You have no idea how happy you made me with all those pictures you posted, God, she's amazing! Im SO inlove of her!! and i think i'll have a good time in here (anything that goes with Cath or Marg works for me ;)
take care everyone!
I'm waiting for Greg to look at Grissom and say "I see dead people."

And welcome to the Marg/Catherine thread MissCriminalMind! Glad to know you!
Aww Thanks Drumchik!!
and about the relationship with Chris, i think they made a very hot couple(even he's an idiot) and that escene with the kiss *HOTNESS*
well drunchik you may actually get your wish. there was one ep where grissom said to brass..."he's dead jim."
MissCriminalMind please see your private messages regarding your signature. Thank you.
coolcatz said:
well drunchik you may actually get your wish. there was one ep where grissom said to brass..."he's dead jim."

Of course, because when Brass got shot in the chest it affected his ability to tell whether a person is dead or not ;)
coolcatz said:
i'd love for alan to reprise his role as novac. lots of opportunity there. as for eddie showing up you never know. we've got ghosts coming soon enough.

Ghost speak. haha. Theres a few ghosts, I'd like to come back.. but thats for other threads.
I'm not sure if anyone has ever brought this up, but has anyone noticed the fact that Lily has the same last name as a big gun killed in Season 2? That Frankie Flynn dude?
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