

I got to see this movie Tuesday night. It's based on the TV series Firefly. It's by the same guy who did Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.

It's good. I wasn't a fan of the series, it was OK, I just wasn't that interested in it. I got a chance to go and since I knew my son was counting the days till the opening, we went. I really enjoyed it. It reminded me of the first time I saw Star Wars. It's a good story and it's well told. My son, who sees a lot of sci-fi and action movies, said it was the best movie he had seen in a quite some time.
i wanna see this movie, i love joss whedon (buffy creator)...i've never seen the series but i have been hearing such good things about the movie
I got to see this movie Tuesday night. It's based on the TV series Firefly. It's by the same guy who did Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.

It's good. I wasn't a fan of the series, it was OK, I just wasn't that interested in it. I got a chance to go and since I knew my son was counting the days till the opening, we went. I really enjoyed it. It reminded me of the first time I saw Star Wars. It's a good story and it's well told. My son, who sees a lot of sci-fi and action movies, said it was the best movie he had seen in a quite some time.

I read an interview that Joss Whedon did about Serenity. He said that this was the way the show SHOULD have gone. He didn't blast Fox (who showed episodes out of order, and didn't really give it a good chance), but I think he'd like to see this hit a channel that would give it a good run.
I saw Serenity tonight and loved it. I was a HUGE Firefly fan and nearly died when it was cancelled (okay, I didn't nearly die, but it sucked). It's nice to get the chance to see the characters again. It was great. I nearly cried when:



Wash died. Dude! Po Zoe :(.

Jayne was hilarious, as usual. I love that dude. He might be my favorite character.
Skipping skillfully past the spoiler, beacuse I'm going to see it on Thursday!!!

Anyway, I'm a huge firefly fan (as my username can prove!) and I am so excited about seeing this movie. It doesn't come out here until Friday but I am going to the advanced preview on Thursday afternoon *bounces*
my mum and i thought it looked interesting. we were thinking of going to see it sometime this week or so.

OH MY GOD! I cannot believe they killed Wash! I kinda saw Book's death coming, and when he did die, we had a few moments to prepare for it, but with Wash it was just BAMM and he was gone! *sobs*
I loved the film. I want to go and see it again. Given the choice between a film and a second series I would have chosen the series every time, but the film was awesome. I've written a quick review at my lj Here (spoilers) if anyone is interested.
I just seen it last night and I really really enjoyed it :)! Im not the biggest sci-fi buff but it didn't seem to matter, the storyline was good and the characters were easy to take too and I loved the humour as it made the experience all the more enjoyable :)!
I just saw this yesterday and LOVED it. Just loved it.

I put Firefly on my TiVo now. (like I don't have enough to watch).