
Rock on, Serenity! I love Simon and Kaylee... I too, relate way too closely to Kaylee. I just could NOT get into Mal and Inara.. I don't know why. Maybe I just want Nathan Fillion for myself ;)
Okay, totally write some Mal/Simon.. that would be hooooot... *drools*
Hey all..
Check out this link:

It's for a charity event being held on/around Joss Whedon's birthday. Basically, certain theatres across the world are airing Serenity, with all proceeds going to Joss' favourite charity group Equality Now. Check to see if your city is on the list and try and go, if you can! Good cause, great movie, lots of fun.
I'm definitely going.. and I have the added excitement of living in Vancouver.. Jewel Staite lives here! I'm hoping she shows up... *squee*
There are no words for how much I loved this movie!

And the show!

This is one of the few shows where I actually ship the canon couples, so that's a plus. :lol:
Early reports say Serenity Now/Equality Now over the weekend was a great success! Tehee. I love one of my fandoms doing something so incredible!
Serenity was an interesting movie to watch (and I mean that in a good way!). Loved the River fight scenes! :D
I was a late fan to Firefly and Serenity but I absolutely love them now! Serenity was an awesome movie and I love all the characters. I regret that I never watched Firefly when it aired, but I had something else that I watched instead that took precedence. I should've tried though because I am a HUGE Buffy and Angel fan. Oh well, at least now I can watch them without commercials and without the week wait.
I didn't end up getting to go yesterday cause my mom's choir was performing at the world peace conference, so I went to watch that instead. *siiiiiiigh* Hopefully they'll do it again next year. I'm disappointed that I missed it.
Flanvention was fricken CANCELED. The notice went out the DAY BEFORE. But, guess who still showed? Adam Baldwin. I just have such a respect for that man for doing that. It's a huge mess, so if anyone here was going to FLAN, you have my condolenses.
Cancelled? Bizarre. Wonder why.

I'm a HUGE Firefly/Serenity fact all things Whedon.
I'll never forgive the fact that it was cancelled *tear*
I love Joss he is a God!