
Just saw it as well and it was pretty good. I really liked the bad guy/assassin. His was the standout performance, for sure.
I put Firefly on my TiVo now. (like I don't have enough to watch).

You know, the DVD set is totally worth it. Only 35 bucks at and you get all the commentaries and such. I've been glued to my TV screen for like 5 days straight and I still have so many extras to see.

I'm glad River got a more active role in the film. She was kicking ass and taking names! I still wish they would've explained what exactly the Alliance did to her, but I guess they wanna save some information in case they make another film (fingers crossed).
I hope they make another film too!!

My friend has ordered the DVD so I'm going to borrow it from her. :) I definately want to see the pilot as I don't know where SCIFI is in the order of the series.
OH. MY. EFFIN. GAWD. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!! Gosh, going to see it was like watching a really long eppy...


I love Wash :( *tear*... Zoe got all Ripley on us :D... I luv that... Now is it just me, but I don't like Mal w/Inara... I always thought from b4 the show that Zoe was like his chick, but then she wasn't so I was all like cofuzzled when I watched the show... I really need to get the DVD... Good bad guy, multilayered cold-blooded killer... he kinda reminded me of Leon but like more educated... Rox my sox :D... good fight scenes.. ahh I was in browncoat heaven :D :D :D... & the scene when Book died gah! I cried... okay I could go on like this forever so I'm gonna shut up now :D
Hey, just popping in here because I recently fell in LOVE with this series. saw the movie, gobbled up the series, and have just ordered both. :) It's great, truly great. Very VERY sad about

Wash dying, though. He was my fav! After seeing the series, I love him even more! I wish SciFi would do something with the series.. some people are clammoring for another movie, but I'm not sure which is more economical... ah well.
AL? Let's re-prioritize the Firefly/Serenity thread. I hated Firefly. I hated it because my boyfriend (Whose name is Malcolm, btw) loved it and was like "Watch this show! It has Lady Heather on an episode!" And then he showed me the MC ep, which was one of the lamer ones IMHO, so I ignored him.
Then he started watching other eps whilst I was in the room... lo and behold? FANTASTIC show. DUDE. I just spent the night watching every single episode and Serenity.

I'm so shippin' Kaylee and Simon (as you can see... ALyssa made that fantasmic avvie, btw), and I think Nathan Fillion is a sexy creature.
I never had the chance to see Firefly but i have Serenity on DVD and i love it. I am now considering, when i get some more money, buying the Firefly box set. Is it worth it?. I have heard that serenity started where firefly left, in terms of the story, so i'm hoping that i won't get confused. Is there anything i should keep in mind if i get Firefly?
The Firefly box set is a must have! You should be able to follow it OK after seeing the movie. Shop around for a good deal though, some places will have it pretty cheap.

I'm a huge Firefly fan... hence the username!
It is SO worth it! I watched the TV show before I watched the movie, so the movie was almost hard to watch at first... I'm talking, the first 15 minutes. The TV show has you already acquainted with, and loving the characters... when you watch Serenity, they have to reintroduce you to all of them, and if you go directly from watching the last episode of the show to watching the movie (as I did) the interactions seem a bit off at first. Plus, the series ended about 3 years before the movie came out, so the actors look different to varying degrees.

DEFINITELY watch the show. It's awesome. Things to keep in mind? Hmm... not much... it's a very different feeling to the show. It balances comedy with drama and action quite nicely. The Shepherd and Inara both play way bigger roles in the show than they did in the movie.. and River seemed to me to be a lot less crazy in the movie than she was in the show. Hm. Watch it! I'll be interested to hear what you think :)

ETA: I was wondering about that, Serenity... good job, dude! Write any fantastic Firefly fanfic by any chance? ....;)
Serenity is such a brilliant movie! :D Like some people have said - it is just like watching a feature-length episode of Firefly, which is brilliant!

Jayne has to be my favourite character, so this brings 'Jaynetown' as my favourite episode :) I love the song they sing as well...

Don't the reavers just make you want to hurl?! The thought of them is so disgusting. And the 'two by two, with hands of blue' people, their ability to make people bleed from every place possible! :eek:

Anyway, I love Firefly and Serenity! :D

ziggystarduzt said:
ETA: I was wondering about that, Serenity... good job, dude! Write any fantastic Firefly fanfic by any chance? ....;)

Oooh, no I've never written any... that's something to think about..... :D
Serenity-Yes, yes... keep thinking... everything is going according to plan now... *rubs hands together*

Who do you ship, if anyone?

Golden, Jaynestown is my favourite ep by far. It freaking KILLED me with the laughing. Also? I love when Kaylee and Simon get all drunk in the pub and end up sleeping on each other. SUCH a great one. *sigh* Why, oh why did it have to be cancelled? *sobs*
I ship Simon and Kaylee (I swear, I'm such a Kaylee) Mal and Inara and *sssshhhh* Mal and Simon. Hehehe. If I did write it would probably be a straight fic, or if I wrote a shippy fic it would probably be Mal/Simon because I'm rubbish at writing het. I'm a slasher through and through. Jayne might join in. Don't want to leave him in the cold.