Season Three or Season Four? - Which One's Better?


Hello all, I'm pretty much a casual fan of Miami, up until that is I decided to finally cave and take the plunge for good into the series. Plus BestBuy had Season 1 on sale for $25, and well given that I'm entrenched in CSI and CSI: New York, I figured what the hay. That and several good friends and relatives can't stop raving about it. :lol: And as such I bring questions.

Seasons 1 & 2 I hear are pure and utter win, but how is Seasons 3 & 4? From what I gathered Season 4 looks painful to watch given that the relationship between Marisol and Horatio seems to have been handeled as elegantly as you would a train wreck. So how is the rest of Season 4? Avoid altogether or no? And what about Season 3? Same questions.

Also this next question might come off as odd since I want an answer but at the same time I don't want to be spoiled, so all I want is a one worded answer. Ready?

Marisol obivously died as evidenced in the Season 5 opener with Horatio standing over her grave, but what totally lost me is why did he and Eric go to Brazil? I watched pieces of the premiere so I know that Horatio's brother?? Got murdered but that's it.

The question now...did Marisol die naturally or unnaturally? Answer this question with either "naturally" or "unnaturally". I know some are going to go, how the hell does this help? Well, nothing is what it always seems to be on CSI so one way or another this'll half answer my question but still keep me guessing without getting completely spoiled.

Thread title edited, by permission of Cova
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Get season 3, and about season 4 it really was horrible but you'll need to know stuff from it in order to have season 5 make sense.
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Neither, I found CSI Miami season three for $25 and I still didn't buy it. If you love the Speedle character as much as I do and haven't bought the season already...then I wouldn't buy either of them lol. Season four is just out of the question for me. I couldn't stand it. So if I HAD to buy one of them, it would be season three. There were a few good ones I will admit to seeing, and you're probably not a huge Speedle fan like me, so Season three would be your best bet.

Oh, and "unnaturally"
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

I have to agree with Calihan, you at least need ep. 8-25 (season 4) in order to understand ep.1 (Rio) of season 5.
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Get season 3, and personally I liked season 4 too, but that's just me.
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

I didn't find either season particularly good, not compared to the first two. Season 3 is by far the better pick if you ask me. Season 4 kills my soul. :lol:
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

For your questions, like Wyoming said, Marisol died 'unnaturally'. The reason why Eric and Horatio went to Brazil was to find the gang who had been terrorizing Miami, and who had a personal vendetta against Horatio. ;)

As to which seasons to buy, I'd say definitely go for seasons 1&2. You won't be dissapointed. :) Season 3 was great if you're into new characters and a little more diverse stories. It's not the worst investment in the world. :p

As for season four, I'd only recommend it if you would like the special features (Because they are quite impressive, in my opinion) and if you're looking for something a little more drama/story-arc driven. If you're looking for strict CSI:Miami right out of season two, then season four isn't something most people are interested in. They are two very different seasons formula-wise. (First couple of seasons are procedural, the next two seasons are more story-arc based) :)
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Well, I bought S4 cause it was FF that hooked me onto the show & wanted to see it again. Plus, after seeing repeats of the eps prior to that it looked also. I thought the season was pretty good until the H/M thing. Even after watching S4 I can understand why H did what he did as far as Marisol was concerned(make her happy), plus I guess he needed something to fill the void of Yelina. I just didn't like how they portrayed the cancer story. She just looked too darn good to be sooo sick. Other than that. After buy S1-3 I did see a big difference from those seasons to S4. H no longer in the lab.etc. I kind of felt once H came out of the lab that something went amiss between his team & him. Hope this makes sense.
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Get s3 first and when you have money - get season 4 then ;)

I mean...Season four had Felony Flight (I wonder do they put "Manhattan Manhunt" to it as well?) and then Nailed that was a kickass...and then the episode where was Michael Shanks and white pants!
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

DaWacko said:
Get s3 first and when you have money - get season 4 then ;)

I mean...Season four had Felony Flight (I wonder do they put "Manhattan Manhunt" to it as well?) and then Nailed that was a kickass...and then the episode where was Michael Shanks and white pants!

Hey Ducky MM doesn't come with FF on Miami's set. You have to buy S2 of NY to get MM. Sorry
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

^Hmph. Now that's lame because the episodes are so connected :rolleyes: It's like with LV when they have two parts episodes and they'd leave the 2nd part off. Probably will have some "special release" after the first one where it's included :rolleyes:

I think in S1 dvd somewhere has "Cross Jurisdictions" ..if I remember right,.
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Bullet_Girl said:
It's actually :)

Just thought I'd point that out :)

S2 on Miami dvds? If that's the case - it's lame as well :p

I know it's s2 for LV :p
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

'Cross Jurisdictions' is on Miami's S1 dvds, right before 'Golden Parachute'. ;)

DaWacko said:
Get s3 first and when you have money - get season 4 then

That'd be what I suggest too. S3 is really good in my opinion, S4...not so much, lol. ;)