Season Three or Season Four? - Which One's Better?

Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

i think the Marisol story line was useless. it was a failed atempt by the writers to show that Horatio can't ever be involved with anyone.

it also wasn't, in my opinion, a great way to end the whole 'Noche' thing either.

I do, however expect there to be reprocussions for Horatio and Eric, because of the casual way they killed Riaz. The storyline can't just stop there.
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Post by SwanSwan_H : I thought Season 4 was very poor and a real

disappointment, for reasons that have already been put forward very well in this thread. I won't be getting it on DVD.

same here ;) in my country we still can`t buy from the net, but even i to have this possibility won`t get S4...for me S4 is like one new tv show and i really don`t like it - to many unnecessary drama and ridiculous plot/story lines. one word S4 is SOUP - not only coz of Aerosol (this is one of the main reasons) there are to many things in my mind that i can`t accept, but here is not the place...

re see a hole emotional side of eric and horatio that we would have never seen without Aerosol...blahhh...coz of this S4 'new' H side i start to hate this character, and long time ago i come in this forum coz of him :( if i want to see good man friendship, better to watch House and Willson... hope TPTB to have a little intelligence and to look around for more good idea in the tv land - like TLW, BSG or House MD :rolleyes:
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

I enjoyed both season 3 and 4 but like most people felt there was something missing as season 4 progressed. There was a lack of emotion and things semmed all over the place.

That said I'd still buy both but thats me. I hate only having half a set.
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Cova said:
Hello all, I'm pretty much a casual fan of Miami, up until that is I decided to finally cave and take the plunge for good into the series. Plus BestBuy had Season 1 on sale for $25, and well given that I'm entrenched in CSI and CSI: New York, I figured what the hay. That and several good friends and relatives can't stop raving about it. :lol: And as such I bring questions.

Seasons 1 & 2 I hear are pure and utter win, but how is Seasons 3 & 4? From what I gathered Season 4 looks painful to watch given that the relationship between Marisol and Horatio seems to have been handeled as elegantly as you would a train wreck. So how is the rest of Season 4? Avoid altogether or no? And what about Season 3? Same questions.

Also this next question might come off as odd since I want an answer but at the same time I don't want to be spoiled, so all I want is a one worded answer. Ready?

Marisol obivously died as evidenced in the Season 5 opener with Horatio standing over her grave, but what totally lost me is why did he and Eric go to Brazil? I watched pieces of the premiere so I know that Horatio's brother?? Got murdered but that's it.

The question now...did Marisol die naturally or unnaturally? Answer this question with either "naturally" or "unnaturally". I know some are going to go, how the hell does this help? Well, nothing is what it always seems to be on CSI so one way or another this'll half answer my question but still keep me guessing without getting completely spoiled.


Don't get either- A&E reruns them constantly, get TiVo and TiVo them! I've been TiVo-ing Miami for about three months, reruns mainly, and have so far seen every episode of season 4 and almost every one of season 3. I probably have about 10 episodes left to watch be4 I've seen every episode of every the seasons. You'll be caught up in no time. And, welcome to CSI Miami. Enjoy!
As to which ones I like, Season 1 & 2 have a really dark atmosphere while the set was updated and re-lit for season 4. I loved Speedle, but I have to admit Wolfe is one of my fave. characters. Season 4 was a bit disapointing, but I loved them all (especially this season!)
Happy viewing!
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

OK a few answers...
I love seasons one and two, I really enjoyed season 3 too, season 4 is very different to the Miami I had come to expect in terms of characterisation, they play around with their private lives a bit and not well in my opinion at least but I still on it on DVD and while our Horatio is still around I will not miss a second of film ;)

As for Marisol she gets an "unnatural" death!!

As for why Eric and Horatio go to Brazil I could tell you but it would then give away too much on the above answer that you may not want to know...lets just say they are chasing a criminal!
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Whoa, wish I got back here sooner. :lol:

I wanted to formulate a reply after I got a good dosage of Miami into my veins, so last night I had a buffet with my Season 1 DVD's and right now I'm at the episode A Horrible Mind and all I can say is I'm liking the show a lot more than I expected.

Still trying to pinpoint differences between this and the other two shows, aside from the obvious; different cities, different weather, different cast, etc.

Looks like they had a nice solid cast here early on save for Kim Delaney's character who I feel is completely out of place, I don't know why but her character Megan feels so bland to me. :confused: I have a feeling I'm going to miss Speedle since I sadly already know what the fates hold in store for him, pity too I really like his character. :(

I can safely say I like the rest of the cast; Horatio has grown on me despite David Caruso's sometimes Shatneresque acting style. :lol: Then again being a Trek fan myself maybe I'm used to it. :D j/k j/k I like the character, though I find he's more the type you get a better understanding of what might be going through his head by watching his body language and facial expressions.

Okay now that I'm certain you're all thrilled to hear me babble on a couple paragraphs, I can safely end this saying I'm hooked, :D :cool:

Some thing tells me I was right about Seasons 3 & 4; from what I read here it looks like it's one of those you'll have to see it for yourself before you decide whether or not you'll like it deals? :confused:

If they're like repeats of Season 4 of CSI and only contain one or two good episodes a piece maybe I'll just rent the DVDs to get the story information and then save the episodes I like through iTunes store. I can't be the only round here who was dissapointed with the 4th Season of the flagship show. :rolleyes: :(
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Hey, you can certain epsidoes on iTunes and save $... TiVo as much as possible and then download what u can't find.
Glad you're hooked- enjoy
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Just finished watching all of Season 1, great stuff, I really hope Season 2 lives up to the hype I'm feeling after watching Body Count, wow what a finale. :eek: Though I imagine it'll only get better. :D

Excellent stuff, so much for my plan to not get hooked on all three CSI shows. :lol: They're all so addictive!! :cool:
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

season 4 is easy to find if i were u stick with season 3 its got more exciting episodes in my opinion althought season 4 does have the nice episode of h and m
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

not all of em are gud in my opinion csi ny suks sry thats just wat i think
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Welcome to the Miami forum csi_pinoy. I hope you're enjoying things around here. :) However, I have to ask that you please use the 'edit' function at the top of your post if you'd like to include more, as opposed to double posting. You have approximately 24 hours to edit. Thanks! :)
Re: New to Miami!! Need Answers...

Oh I prefer season 3, there are some really good episodes in that, I love 'Identity'
Season 4 there was much less team comaradery, they really felt like strangers!