**Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

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I just wish we could get some info on what is going on with Eric and Calleigh. They are really being tight lipped about it and not giving us any spoilers, like they have in the past. As for a love relationship for H, I too wish it was Yelina. I really though she and H had good chemistry together. I would like to see Valera back and unsure why they are getting another lab tech. They really seem to go through them pretty fast. I always like that girl Samantha (Sam), but she was only in a few episodes. I wonder why they keep leaving?
On another note, sorry I forgot to put this in my last post, does anybody know anything about the shooting schedule?

From what I've read we are getting "Blood Sugar", which was supposed to be episode 7 (right?) this Sunday the 12th and then not another new episode until the new year?

Obvioulsy they are gonna get time off for the holidays, and I know Emily's due soon (I'm hoping she has her baby on December 11th.. MY BIRTHDAY! :) LOL) so are they done shooting episodes until the new year? I know they were shooting atleast until episode 10 or 11 I think. Or if not, when are they gonna shoot the last epi before the holidays? Also... what was/will be the last episode they shoot this year? And when will they start shooting again in the new year?

I guess what I'm really wanting to know is when will we get Emily back full time? I mean obviously she won't be back shooting episodes doing the cop thing until after the baby, like next year, but I wonder how many episodes, total, she'll be pregnant in and we won't get to see her in action. LOL

Also I wanna know more about the episode Adam helped to write and direct. Does anybody have any info on that one?

Does anybody understand what I'm trying to ask? And if so, do you have any answers?

LOL Sorry about all the questions but I'm still pretty new to the Talk CSI forum and don't know how to find out information, without asking you guys of course. :)

Hello nsynckal! As far as I know, they are now shooting Episode 14 and will wrap it up next week and then they would take the holiday break. I don't know when they are going to be back shooting though. I am not sure if Emily is in this episode but since she's due any day now-- I'm guessing that she's not. The spoilers for Episode 15 recently posted in this thread has Calleigh in it so may be by the time they shoot it she will be back to work which most probably will be by mid to end of January.

Adam twitted yesterday that he will finish the script for the episode he's writing & directing this Friday which I think is Episode 16.

I hope I was able to answer your questions and hope Emily's baby will have the same birthday as you. :)

Thanks so much for the info!!! I'm hoping when Calleigh does come back, we will get some EC,:), or some answers atleast.
I just wish we could get some info on what is going on with Eric and Calleigh. They are really being tight lipped about it and not giving us any spoilers, like they have in the past. As for a love relationship for H, I too wish it was Yelina. I really though she and H had good chemistry together. I would like to see Valera back and unsure why they are getting another lab tech. They really seem to go through them pretty fast. I always like that girl Samantha (Sam), but she was only in a few episodes. I wonder why they keep leaving?

Yea.. as I've said before lol, we really need some EC info. I love them together but if they're not then the fans deserve to know for sure. They need to decide one way or another and stop dancing around the issue. Hopefully when Emily comes back we will get some EC scenes and answers.

As for H, I think Yelina is the best for him. At first it was a little weird cuz of her being his sister in law but I after all of these years and failed romances he has had, she is the only one whose been there, even as just a friend. But I think we all know that there is more to their relationship than that. Or there def could/should be.
As for the new lab girl -- I've read that her name is 'Molly', she shows up in episode 14, & that Ryan is interested in her. She has scenes with him in the lab & later at the end of the episode with him, Walter & Natalia.

Let me get this straight: A new female lab tech who is possibly replacing not only Valera, but Travers. And she's gonna have possible flirty scenes with Ryan (when some of the scenes Ryan had with Valera seemed flirty to me) and her first name has the same first initial as Valera's first name? Does that not seem like a blatant replacement to anyone but me? :lol: I wouldn't mind Ryan having a girlfriend outside of the lab, but why does it have to be a lab tech? Does he have to be kind of flirty with every female lab tech on the show? I mean Cal teased him about liking Samantha (couldn't stand her, seemed like they were trying to make her a clone of NCIS's Abby, only Abby is way cooler) and he had some scenes with Valera that can be percieved by some as flirty. Now he's gonna be flirty/like this new girl? Isn't that repetitive? :lol:

Why can't they instead have Ryan become just good friends with this lab tech and she introduces him to a friend/relative of hers and he dates that woman instead? Why does it have to be the lab tech that he is interested in?

The only thing that would make me possibly like Ryan with this new girl is if they hire an actress that I like. Emma Caulfield, Charisma Carpenter, maybe Kimberley Williams- Paisley or that one actress that looks kind of like her... Gina something (I think)... from Flash Gordon and Blood Ties. I'd love for AJ Cook to be the lab tech, but I doubt she'd want to work for CBS again and I can't say that I'd really blame her lol.

Then again, I don't really know why I'm so worried about this. They'll most likely never give Ryan a love interest anyway LOL.

One thing though: I really hope they don't have Ryan to be interested in this chick only for her to be interested in Horatio. That would be way too much like the whole Greg/Sara/Grissom thing on CSI: Vegas. :lol:

Hopefully this girl is only gonna be filling in for Travers while he's at some seminar or something and she'll only be there for one episode. Kind of like Dr. Victoria filling in for Tom when he was away that one episode. I love Travers and I want him to remain to be the show's trace tech.
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Let me get this straight: A new female lab tech who is possibly replacing not only Valera, but Travers. And she's gonna have possible flirty scenes with Ryan (when some of the scenes Ryan had with Valera seemed flirty to me) and her first name has the same first initial as Valera's first name? Does that not seem like a blatant replacement to anyone but me?
She's not replacing Traver's,if you search hard enough,Travers will be in an upcoming episode. Most likely,this new tech will be seen for an episode or two which seems the norm lately .Really,when was the last time we saw Valera? She hasn't been there in a while so it can't be said she is being replaced.Miami doesn't seem to have to have a resident tech like NY has Adam and Vegas has Hodges.They seem to just use techs for a few episodes as the story demands.
Most likely,nothing will come of anything if there is flirting,it never has before so it's no big deal.There was a little flirting with the sketch artist,and that was nothing and this won't be either. The scene may be cut and never make it to air.
Why can't they instead have Ryan become just good friends with this lab tech and she introduces him to a friend/relative of hers and he dates that woman instead? Why does it have to be the lab tech that he is interested in?
Because Miiam isn't going to bother setting a scenerio like that up.More than likely it'a a one scene,one episode thing,that's it..And really,if he is intersted in the lab tech,why not.She's not on the team,a tech would rarely be seen or heard from,it should pose no problem except people just don't want to see it. Heaven forbid Ryan show an interest in someone.Since the producers have indicated a possible romantic interst for H,why worry about Ryan,that clearly is something that won't be happening.
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Am I the only one who has a baaaaaaad feeling about this? :shifty: If they must give H a new GF it has to be written well and doesn't detract from the team. (This has been a great season so far, with the exception of the death of Jesse.)

For example, I personally liked the Mac/Peyton relationship on CSI:NY, it didn't overpower the show and didn't take away from the team focus. It was there, more or less in the background with a few nice moments here and there, but wasn't soapy or overdone, IMHO. Peyton was also a fairly strong, competent character.

With TPTB and writers' track records being what they are, I am nervous that H's new "love interest" will be overdramatic and corny, similar to the one he had with Marisol. I personally couldn't stomach seeing something like that again and it would ruin the season for me, much like S4 was ruined for me. :rolleyes:

Yelina/Sofia would be the exception here. I'm not a HUGE H/Yelina fan, but I would rather see him with her a thousand times over than have him with some whiny, model-type girl more than half his age (again). To me, that is really creepy.
Why does H need another romance? Why can't we go in another direction w/him, like finding out about his childhood or developing his relationship w/Kyle more? Honestly, unless the woman was able to be strong, stand her ground, kick ass and call Horatio out on things every now and then (and there's only one character on the show I know like that, but like some have mentioned, that relationship has been completely destroyed by TPTB), then I vote NO on the romance for Horatio. Yelina would make sense, but I just don't see it at this point - Horatio has really "played" her and used her a lot, with very little concern for her safety IMHO.

One thing I wouldn't mind is something like the little moment where we found he was dating Nevins in Season 3 (Gosh, I can't believe they killed her, too - why??? :rolleyes: She was actually interesting, but they made her way too self-absorbed). But Horatio has so much more to him than just finding a significant other.

I would like to see Horatio more involved w/his team, growing closer to the team as a family b/c they really are the only family he has - maybe having him say that at some point w/them all together after a tough case or something. I know H and Eric have this "bro" thing going, but to me it's very cliquish and ignores both Delko's shortcomings and the dedication of the rest of the team.

While it would be nice to give Ryan a girlfriend (at least SOME decent storyline - let's see if A-Rod actually ACTS on his comments that he'd like to see a nice storyline for Ryan), we don't really need any more romances on Miami - not for Ryan, not for Horatio, not for Eric or Calleigh - just give it a rest for awhile and focus on family, the team and background stuff.
She's not replacing Traver's, Travers will be in an upcoming episode.

I didn't notice anything about episode 15 in this thread (possible that it got lost in the sea of posts lol) and I forget to check the other thread. I just checked it and saw that he's in 15 (the episode after the new trace girl appears). But we also have to consider the possiblity that the episodes are being shown out of order too, as that happens sometimes. As far as I know, there's been nothing for any ep past 15. But, the way Adam Bryant talked, you'd think this new lab tech was gonna be a semi-regular LOL. Hopefully she's only gonna be in the one episode and we'll get to keep Travers.

Really,when was the last time we saw Valera? She hasn't been there in a while so it can't be said she is being replaced.

She was in one ep last season and then disappeared. To me its like they decided they didn't want her anymore and another semi-regular female lab tech (if that's what she ends up being) would in my opinion be replacing her.

Miami doesn't seem to have to have a resident tech like NY has Adam and Vegas has Hodges.They seem to just use techs for a few episodes as the story demands.

Valera has been around since Season 2 though. She's the longest lasting lab tech on Miami. If they're not going to have her on there for this long, the least they could do is give us some kind of explaination for her absence. But I don't know why I expect that from the same batch of writers who don't bother to mention why Natalia (a main character) is missing from some episodes. :lol:

There was a little flirting with the sketch artist

Now see, THAT didn't bother me at all. I thought it was cute. I mean she works for law enforcement in a way, but she wouldn't be someone who worked directly IN the lab like a lab tech would. I kind of wish they had followed up on that. If they're gonna give him a girlfriend, I vote for HER. :lol:

I'm not against Ryan showing interest in someone. My issue is more with the new person added to team [including lab techs] (even in a recurring capacity) to be flirted with or become a love interest to an already existing team member scenario. I have issue with that scenario because its extremely overused on tv shows.

Here's a short spot from David Caruso, warning viewers of a possible delay to Sunday's episode, "Blood Sugar", due to yet another NFL double header. It's good to know that David and TPTB are aware of viewers frustrations with this hit n miss scheduling.

Yeah, I noticed there was a late game on when I went to set up my Sunday night shows (Leverage and Miami). Hopefully the delay won't be too long.
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I saw tha from david caurso finnaly they apolgize fior the delays and I hoope that they will for once listen to the fans and put it on a other date
I don't live in USA But I have to wait longer for a new episode because of it
let's see if A-Rod actually ACTS on his comments that he'd like to see a nice storyline for Ryan

No one should expect Adam to write an episode for Ryan just as much as the E/C fans shouldn't expect a "steamy E/C moment". Don't forget that each script has to be approved by CBS before it gets to the filming stage. People also shouldn't forget that TPTB have their own vision and will not stand for too much of a "change". Even Rob Zombie had to stick to Miami's strict guidelines. Adam's never written an episode before, let the guy write want he wants. At this stage, I don't feel either fan base will be "happy" with what he writes. I've got a feeling he will be crucified by E/C fans if there ISN'T a "moment" He will most likely be crucified if there IS an E/C "moment", and it seems he will be crucified if he doesn't write for Ryan. Either way, the guy can't win.

Adam said Jon deserves something to have something good, but that's not his call. Let's be honest, if TPTB wanted to write something for Ryan, they would have done it years ago (sadly). They have their vision of where they want to go, and at this point, I don't think they care about any of the actors involved. It's time Adam got a break from the fanbase (I'm prepared to be crucified for my comments on here, but I honestly don't care).
One or two people bring up Adam writing an episode,maybe for Jon does not equal him being crucified. I've seen far more post about him writing an E/C moment,a steamy one at that.Of course Adam is going to write what he wants,with guidance. I'm hoping he follows Carmine's lead from NY last season,and writes a good team episode.
I said he will most likely get crucified, not that he already has. Although, he has already received some criticism even though his script isn't out yet! He should write what he's comfortable with. Not something to please the E/C fans. Not something to please the non E/C fans, not something to please Ryan fans, H, fans, Natalia fans, etc, but something that pleases the audience in general
Like I said,a good team episode.There is one comment about Jon,that doesn't equal most likely crucified either,the one comment also doesn't equal criticism.To say that it seems he will be crucified if he doesn't write for Ryan is a little much,again for one comment. No matter what Adam writes,everyone will survive.
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