I've said this before, but I really think the action sequences are replacing the labwork, computer graphics, and morgue scenes because the budget has been cut quite a bit.
I've been thinking that, too - all these chase scenes and action, yet I don't remember one of those classic "technical" computer-graphics science shots in the episode. That's pretty much been the case in the past few episodes, at least from what I've been noticing - I hadn't really picked up on it that much until I read a post about it about a month ago. But I am definitely left wondering where the heck the science and special effects went for this show...:shifty:
Also, no dead bodies in the last few episodes - also trying to keep the corner out of the picture, I suppose, since the show can't afford to hire the actor full-time?
Watching Delko chase suspects is getting old and played out real fast. I liked it in the beginning of the season, esp. the scene w/him and Ryan at the bridge, but now it's kind of like a parody of itself

, esp. w/H always showing up just around the corner (conveniently...)
Anyhow, I really do like that this season is getting back into the characters, as the characters are KEY to its success - there are sooo many crime dramas, and people won't watch just for action - if that's all they want they'll just flip to Hawaii 5-0. What makes Miami stand out is its unique CSI blend of action and science, and then its main characters.
As for Horatio getting a love interest - are they serious? At this stage of the game? At this point, why not just bring back Yelina? I was never a H/Yelina shipper, but my own ship has sailed off the face of the earth at this point (RIP DuCaine fans, if you're out there - I can't find you anywhere!), and that pairing would seem to make the most sense at this point. At least it would ring true with the fans. We definitely don't need another "Marisol" debacle ...
If they do go through w/H having a new squeeze, I wonder what would Eric think? (Personally, I always thought it would be awesome if we found out H and Cal had an affair at one point and then H broke it off and that's why they never speak to each other and are so cold and then Eric finds out and is like

:wtf: Hey, maybe that's why Calleigh said "we're like family" :lol: - OK, sorry, but I would pay to see Eric's face on that one :lol: - back to the fanfiction page....)