I chose NY for the Best Finale - there wasn't even a contest, IMO. It had incredible action, a great storyline and substories (for the most part, anyway. There were about two minutes worth of scenes that weren't Tops with me, but I put up with it because everything else was so fantastic! :lol

Every character, both main and secondary, brought their "A-Game" to the ep, and finally, I got me some
Hot Mac All Wet in Black, and you simply can't beat that, in my book
I thought Miami was okay as a run-of-the-mill ep, but not Season Finale Material. I thought Vegas was the most subpar of the 3, but that's possibly because I'm no longer a fan of that show, and I watched the finale just because it was the finale. I just thought it was surprisingly lackluster, and some of the cast members seemed like they were phoning it in, in several scenes.
Re: cliffhanger, the only real one was in Vegas - but that still doesn't mean it has to be my favorite cliffhanger

(I despise cliffies for the most part, so I voted NY as the Best Cliffhanger, since it wrapped up enough loose ends to satisfy me, but still gave me enough to *chew on* over the summer. I much prefer that to something that totally leaves me hanging out in the breeze).