Season 9 *Spoiler* Picture Thread

And even if they were to 'hit the sheets' there is STILL no need for that type of language. Seriously. Some us like LH and think she's interesting. She's not you're typical guest star. I mean how many other shows do you know that have a dominatrix in it? I mean, besides L&O, you won't find one. So, let's try to keep it a little bit less psycho por favor.
Most definitely. Everyone has their favorite ships, but there's no need to start talking crazy as it's not real.

Lady Heather is cool; she and Grissom have always had electric chemistry. If you're going to get so upset, don't watch.

Everyone knew going into this season that Grissom and Sara might not get the fairytale ending and ride off into the sunset. It could go either way; people should prepare for anything.
Or if your watching a scifi show lol, they had some of those in Farscape. Not to mention she potrayed a similar character in Firefly...guess she likes to be in charge :)...I liked the pictures of her definitely interesting if you ask me!
True! :thumbsup: Some woman are into that I guess!:) But on a more serious note, the pictures looked awesome. I'm just glad that we are getting new stuff. We were running dry for a while.:shifty:
I thought this was the "Spoiler" Picture Thread, but it now appears that shipper central has creeped in again. :wtf:
Oooh Melinda looks just stunning in the pics. Me loves. :) Again, I'm really amused that if anyone has a slight complaint about GSR or Grissom or Sara, we get a lecture, but when a pic of Lady Heather is posted, those who lecture people just freak out and bitch at her. Now tell me who's bashing? And botox? WTF? Even if she does have it, it's none of your business.

Anyway, here are three more.

#01 // #02 // #03

Pics from BTA.

Caption: CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION -- "Leave Out All the Rest" - When the CSI team investigates a case involving the world of domination, Grissom (William Petersen) pays a visit to Lady Heather (Melinda Clarke) to help find some answers, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, Nov. 6.
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I'm sorry, I don't mean any offense by this, but I really feel that I have to say this. Making comments about big lips and things of that nature is something that I personally feel is both unnecessary and inappropriate because it's bordering on actor/actress bashing. And those kinds of comments really make some people uncomfortable. Is it really fair to say negative things about her looks (such as the size of her lips) just because of her unliked character? Facial features (such as the size of a person's lips) are most of the time personal to the actor/actress, not always to the character alone. I feel that when someone makes negative comments about someone's looks (ie the size of their lips), that goes a little beyond criticizing the character. Whatever direction the writers decide to take the character is not the actress' fault.

I don't think that she (or anyone else) would use botox on her lips anyway. That's to reduce the appearance of lines/wrinkles. Around the mouth where laugh lines appear, people have been known to use it though, but that does not have much to do with the size of her lips. Her lips look a fairly normal/average size to me. Maybe she's just using some of that lipstick that temporarily plumps up a person's lips. :lol:

On another note, that gown she's wearing looks very normal compared to outfits we've seen her wear before. :lol: I'm guessing she's no longer in that line of work. I personally think she looks pretty (not arguing anyone else's opinion, just adding my own :) ).

I think she and Grissom look friendly in the pics, but not overly friendly. I don't think he's going up the stairs to get "lucky" or anything of that nature. I think it's probably something like she has something upstairs that might be of use to him in his investigation. Some book of her former clients' names perhaps. Maybe she has a library upstairs. I think it's premature at this point to jump to the conclusion that they are going upstairs to the bedroom to sleep together. I personally think nothing like that is going to happen between them, but that's just my opinion. I don't necessarily want a LH/Grissom hookup either, but I don't mind if they are just friends. :)

Moving on...

Yea, that is weird that Brass wasn't in it.. He was in charge of the CSI team for the first few episodes, then Grissom has been in charge since then. He was definitely close to Warrick though...

Someone had to take the picture! lol:)

:lol: Good point! :) But, one of the labrats could have taken the picture so Brass could be in it. :lol:
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OK, I don't have to defend my self on my comment, but I will...this is a TV character, and I don't find her attractive, and I wasn't the one who posted the "kill' word that was someone else, and I don't appreciate fans thinking I said that, I was agreeing with the other parts..and as someone said :wtf: do you care what I think or say, and it's my business to post my views on a character, maybe it was harsh, but fans use the words pyscho crazy and freak and other adjectives that might offend others..I find Catherine, Sara, Wendy, Mia [when she was on] and Sofia attractive, I was just expressing what I thought of her features, if some find her pretty or beautiful, that is great for you, I'm just expressing what I thought:confused:
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I'm so glad to hear people rising up and shutting that kind of talk down. That wasj ust out of line. Poor Melinda.

And OMG, those pictures are STEAMY!

Gorgeous, gorgeous pics. She looks great.

I'd love to see some chatting between Catherine and Lady Heather. Those two could be great friends, I think :D
I'll kill her! Are they walking up stairs? They ARE! I'll kill her! That is, if Sara doesn't get to her first. She will NOT ruin this for me. And them. Mostly me. She can't take him from Sara right after Sara comes back, can she? It's just a ratings thing, right? They're just showing these pictures to get crazies like me worked up, right? As if I wasn't going to watch anyway! She can't do this to me- I mean Sara!
Me too, She grosses me out:vulcan: good time to post this Halloween, [Vampira comes to mind] lord her nostrils look like tunnels, and her botox lips, gag me, thank gawd we never have to see her again, beings he's leaving.. And it's not as it seems ~wink-wink~:wtf:
Lets see threatening to kill a fictional character, on a fictional show, over pics of a fictional storyline, that may or may not be what it seems? I have say that if it were reversed and it was someone saying this about Sara I am sure like fans of any character you would be mad and complaining course this is based off the comment in the your quote, so then I guess from the responses we know how the fans of LH feel over that comment. Therefore the comments you've both made above should have been better thought out in just this way.

I was going to mention that "there are rules on this board" but you know what I am sick & tired of saying that over and over again, especially to those members who have been here long enough to know what they are, and what they say. As I mentioned above you cannot complain about someone attacking your favorite and then turn around and do the samething, that is not acceptable.

Now lets move back on topic please. Thank you.
Well, CBS finally released episodic pics from For Warrick, but since the episode has already aired, they don't really belong to this thread. I have posted three in the Marg/Cath Eye Candy thread, though. I think you can see Nick and Greg in them, but no Brass. :)
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