I'm having a logic problem here too. Grissom and Greg left one behind the other. Grissom was headed home, Greg to the airport. Catherine was a little after them, no word where she was headed. Warrick left next, Nick stayed behind with the waitress. For me, I don't mind if Nick is with the waitress and doesn't hear or doesn't realize what's going on or just doesn't get there first, he'll have great scenes later, but next logical is still Catherine not Grissom. I'm assuming/hoping it will play out better than it sounds but reading it, it sounds contrived for a Grissom Moment. This also doesn't really compare to me to Grave Danger and Dead Doll because in both of those the whole team was looking for Nick and Sara.
I've never really thought of this show as an ensemble exactly, but until last season it was always Grissom and Catherine equally with the rest of the team equal behind them. Last season I don't know what the actual screentime numbers were but the dynamic shift I felt was a shift away from Grissom/Catherine as the dual show leaders to Grissom as the central character. But that could just be a perception thing for me.
I've never really thought of this show as an ensemble exactly, but until last season it was always Grissom and Catherine equally with the rest of the team equal behind them. Last season I don't know what the actual screentime numbers were but the dynamic shift I felt was a shift away from Grissom/Catherine as the dual show leaders to Grissom as the central character. But that could just be a perception thing for me.