See I don't think it as bashing but people being able to voice their frustration over the initial spoilers, Nick Stokes finds Warrick's body slumped over the steering wheel of his car.
It is what it it what you want but everybody has an opinion....and I won't bash you for yours, though I do agree with so many here...we are all entitled to what we believe...the one reason I joined this site yesterday was because it wasn't a totally GSR or WP driven board, a place where everybody can have an opinion without feeling that you are in a minority,more equal than the others.!
Well it is bashing when people say the only reason its written like this is because all WP wants is an emmy. I'm afraid that all the boards lately have become a bit more narrowly focussed on individual characters. I love Nick but some of the nick sites have become so anti-Grissom that it is hard to read them anymore. I have never been a fan of GSR but I still like to read YTDAW. But then they bash WP for bringing back Lady Heather.
My only issue with the difference of opinion is that some of the attacks on WP the actor have become pretty personal. We all have ways we'd like things to be written and there will be people who don't like this particular version of things while there are others that will be delighted. The Catherine people I suspect would like her to find Warrick. Everybody's favorite character will get their place in the sun regarding the upcoming angst and grief.