Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

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I'm interested in them bringing other characters out of the woodwork like Officer MetCalf, Mandy, Henry and mean these are great characters that should be brought out.

And hey, shipping--Nick and Mandy would make me happy but probably not.

As long as that little waitress doesn't show her face around CSI-I'm happy!
I'm interested in them bringing other characters out of the woodwork like Officer MetCalf, Mandy, Henry and mean these are great characters that should be brought out.

They're still all listed as "guests" on the show. Too bad. Wonder what it takes to be a "recurring character" like they have Wendy, Ecklie, and Archie.

Just say no to canon ships! :lol:
Hi, guys! Just checkin' in after sitting through TS poor house has some minor flooding.

ANYWAY, on to business. I agree with desertwind on the David Rambo thing. While it does not actually "reveal" anything new about the specific episode, he still discusses the episode itself (with Jorja also), so I feel this general thread is appropriate. I, personally, enjoyed reading about what he said about the episode. He's a pretty cool guy.

Speedystokesgirl, I also agree with you about the Nick/Cath thing. I don't see them ever shipping together, especially since Cath seemed to have a "thing" for Warrick, but I am very pleased that they will be the ones heading up the team instead of the new characters coming in.

I'm interested in LF - my most memorable role for him is in Matrix. I'm curious to see what he does with this.
I too am very curious about how "For Warrick" will turn out. It seems like so much will be packed into the episode and those spoiler pics contradicting what we know already...:confused:

As for the whole love battle, CSI has always had a bit of a romantic element to it since the beginning. In the first few seasons they had Catherine and Grissom flirting with eachother, Sara and Grissom flirting with each other, Sara and Nick flirting with each other, and of course, Sara and Greg flirting with each other. Then there have also been people like Terri Miller, Kristy, Lady Heather, Tina, Eddie, and that girl Grissom seemed to be dating in the pilot. :lol:

Now, I know that flirting is different than a relationship being canon, I am totally willing to admit that us GSR shippers have been very spoiled these last few years, but I've always liked CSI because it's such a realistic crime procedural. I find the tv shows that focus only on the crimes are a little dry because these CSI's and police officers are real people whose lives sometimes coincide with their job. I feel you need to see the personal interactions of the characters so you know why they do what they do. :)

Now, after saying that, I do agree that there should be no more canon relationships on CSI for a while. I think they should resume back to just flirting, so the non-shippers can be spoiled as well. :) Now, if CSI lasts another couple of years, then they could pair another two CSI's up. :lol:

Of course though, we know that TPTB don't always listen to their loyal fans, so it will be interesting if sparks fly with Catherine and Nick in their new roles, or with Nick and Riley, or Greg and Riley. Oh, and remember that last season they kind of hinted that maybe Hodges and Wendy may hook up! Wow, so many possible relationships, so little time! :lol:
Riley, however, well be interesting too. It'll be interesting to see how her and Greg mesh. Hmmm, they'll ship those two.

:lol: I was actually thinking of doing that. Their shipper name could be Grey. :lol: I actually think the two would look cute together, but I'll have to wait to see how the character actually is before I decide. But, right now the way they've described her, she sounds a lot like Greg to me. :lol:
^Even though I would rather have NO MORE RELATIONSHIPS on the show, I would be perfectly fine with Greg and Riley having a flirty thing going. Poor guy, he's been such a hound for a woman for so long. He needs nice, fun girl!!
Not to be a pest or anything, :angel: but after I posted what I posted, I realized that this whole "Catherine and Nick being in charge" discussion turned into a "Who should be dating who" discussion, which actually doesn't pertain to spoilers what so ever soooo.....:thumbsup:
Nice catch Kimbo you are correct and I would ask that folks remember discussion of ships, (seen or not) unless they pertain to an actual future episode be discussed in the SC forum. Thank you. ;)

Next I would like to remind folks who the mods are, please do not take it into your keyboards/hands, you did not know that she didn't not check with us first about where this applied. While she did not I agree that it is fine to be in here, we are not saying that folks have to ask us all the time, sometimes they do ask us if they are not sure and, we are not saying a person/s can not question whether or not someone is giving a spoiler, the tone in which you ask is important.

Lets carry on for the reason this thread is here please. ;)
I just saw the preview for "For Warrick". It looks good and looks like Grissom is the first one to find him. It was on during tonight's episode.
If someone knows a link to the promo, post it quick!!!! (please!) I was on the phone and missed part of it, but what I saw was enough to have me jumping up and down in a circle screaming and squealing and- *stops before making an even bigger fool of myself*
Well luckily I had been watching the CSI rerun this week and my dvr captures whatever show I am watching at that time so I quickly hit record and it got the whole thing. Then I just had to get it on my computer to upload. I was so excited seeing it too. The torture is waiting still another month and a half almost. UGH!
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