Season 8 Wishlist

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Re: Season 8 Wishlist

My only wishes for Season 8 are:

1. The WHOLE cast comes back!
2. NO GSR! (Sorry GSR shippers)
3. More Sara/Nick and Sara/Greg scenes... I miss those.
4. More development of the other characters like Warrick, Nick, Greg... and the lab techs.

Erm... that's all i got for now.

PSG xxx
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

o man, i don't think i can wait till fall! i definitely going to be watching my season 1-6 dvds this summer. well, i guess csi will give me something to look forward to when school starts up again in the fall!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

What else....let me see...shirtless Grissom? Yeah, we need some of that too.
Sara lives x100000
Sara's family (maybe a visit from mother)
Grissom with the beard.
Warrick divorced.
The same amount of GSR. Season 7 didn't have a lot of GSR scenes, but it was enough to satisfy both the pro and the anti GSR's.

More B cases
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

19ams87 said:
- I'm still waiting for my scene where someone breaks into Grissom's apartment while he's getting out of the shower and he's forced to defend himself in a towel...

*adds that to wishlist* I like the way you think lady! :p

Heh, what can I say...I've been waiting since the pilot. Frankly I'm not accustomed to seeing Billy in anything that he keeps all his clothes on for. It's freaking me out. ;) :lol:
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

melbel said:
Sara's family (maybe a visit from mother)
Grissom with the beard.
Warrick divorced.
The same amount of GSR.

Yea, Sara's mom was in a mental institution after she killed her husband, right? so that would be really interesting, and probably bring out a lot of emotion. i bet they'd do an epi where sara's mom comes back and then she ends up being the prime suspect in a case they are working on (but then she ends up being innocent)

Grissom with a beard *growl* ;)

Warrick- didn't he say something about his kid in one of the last episodes, idk if it was the finale or the one before, but im almost certain he said something like "my baby or my kid" and in the context of the scene it wouldn't have made sense for him to be saying "my baby" in reference to his wife. so long story short, did anyone else catch that?

i want Catherine to find someone to love in season 8! she deserves to be happy after all of the drama last season w/ her dad being shot and lindsey being kidnapped and everything. i think that she would go well with any of the 3 main male characters. Actually, originally, there was going to be an office romance between cath and nick from the beginning, but i guess the writers of the show decided to take it out. somewhere, there is never-broadcasted footage of cath and nick making out in the lockeroom! i've only seen a picture, but if anyone knows where to get the video, let me know!!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

melbel said:
Sara lives x100000

Grissom with the beard.

Warrick divorced.

The same amount of GSR.

More B cases
:cool: I am 100% with you here.

* Sara HAS TO live. She can't die. They can't do that.

* The Beard OF COURSE :rolleyes: I miss it so very much.
I re-watched Time of Your Death yesterday and *SIGH* Sexy. Hot. Beautiful. I'm out of words really.
With The Beard, Grissom was just breathtakingly handsome. Period.

* Warrick. Let's talk about him. And Cath.
WHAT in the hell happened to YoBling, people??!! Is the ship dead or something? I mean NO it can't be.
Bring it back!! The eye!sex and all that stuff. Come on!

* Also a Grissom-centered epi à la Jackpot. Complete with vest, grey t-shirt, backwards cap and jeans ;)

* Rain. I want rain. Just like in $35K O.BO. (season 1).
Grissom wet is another thing that's on my wishlist.

* Oh and bring back the blue overalls too! They were hot.

* There's one last thing I'd really want -I'm probably gonna be booed for even mentioning this , but ... a kiss. The Kiss. One - single - kiss. Just one. Between Grissom and Sara.
Maybe sometime near the end of the first episode of season 8 when Sara is rescued and Grissom just can't hide his happiness ;) That'd be nice.

The only time in 7 years that I've seen him kiss someone, it was Marg, and it was on ET -a "tradition" that happens like once a year :eek: :lol: That's not enough! I want the real deal. Hot lip lock with Sara is what I want :p
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

- Kill GSR. Seriously. Make it die.
- Give us the characters we used to know. Does TPTB even REMEMBER the earlier seasons?
- More Sofia and Brass. They're awesome. It's great.
- I wanna see the group go on a roadtrip. In the one Tahoe. Now THAT would be amusing.
- Keep Hodges. He's weird and creepy, which is a plus.
- More forensics. We're not Grey's Anatomy, people.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Sara to live/Jorja to be re-signed-no one else could play Sara!
GSR haters to get over it-Grissom loves Sara-and for Ecklie/the sheriff to let Gris become a CSI and have Catherine be the Grissom and Sara can be together in the same low-key way they were this season.
And...for some weird/infamous case to come up so Catherine can see why Grissom was burnt out!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

jtbwriter2006 said:
Sara to live/Jorja to be re-signed-no one else could play Sara!
GSR haters to get over it-Grissom loves Sara

And...for some weird/infamous case to come up so Catherine can see why Grissom was burnt out!

I'm definitely with you on the Sara thing!! What did you mean by the "infamous case to come up so Catherine can see why Grissom was burnt out"? (Altho any case that Cath and Griss are working together is always great!)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I want sar to live!
sandle momments(no matter how small they may be)
definatley for Lady Heather to come back and stir the pot, in which is Sara and grissom realationship(GSR)
more hodges! I love that guy.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Heh, what can I say...I've been waiting since the pilot. Frankly I'm not accustomed to seeing Billy in anything that he keeps all his clothes on for. It's freaking me out.

Wierd isn't it?! Slighty scary, c'mon TPTB, make Billy strip! Humph.

* More Hodges, he rawks! Creepy but I likes him.
* More Sofia, I really like her, doesn't get enough screentime.
* Grissom to get his ass handed to him LOL, don't get me wrong I love the man but he needs someone (Cath preferably) to tell him he's been hypocritical...again. :D Rip him a new one baby!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

melbel said:
What else....let me see...shirtless Grissom? Yeah, we need some of that too.
Sara lives x100000
Sara's family (maybe a visit from mother)
Grissom with the beard.
Warrick divorced.
The same amount of GSR. Season 7 didn't have a lot of GSR scenes, but it was enough to satisfy both the pro and the anti GSR's.

More B cases

I definately agree 100000000% :)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

* Keep Sara alive
* more GSR ( maybe even a baby)
* more Greg
* Nick shirt less
* lady Heather
* a story line with Lindsey
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