Season 8 Wishlist

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Re: Season 8 Wishlist

a) Equal screen time for all characters

b) Eye candy for all fans (biohazard in the lab, everyone simply has to strip...)

c) Balance between angsty and light eps

d) Bye, bye Tina. Nothing personal, but he married her for all the wrong reasons and has been regreting it. Plus I miss the Yo!Bling flirting

e) Sonic!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Fabian said:
-The same amount of GSR. Season 7 didn't have a lot of GSR scenes, but it was enough to satisfy both the pro and the anti GSR's.

Well, looking over this thread and seeing all the calls for an end to it, I don't think that the anti GSR fans were satisfied. ;)

I agree with many of the wishes already posted (more team work, more variety of pairings on cases, the return of the Gris/Cath friendship, an end to GSR, etc.). I would also like to see a few more cases that aren't about murders. Stolen artwork, missing persons (oh wait - I guess that's Sara ;)) or freak accidents that appear to be murders but aren't - those things are nice for a change of pace. I missed a few episodes this season, but other than the guy who ate himself to death, were there any such cases?

Also, I agree, it would be nice to bring back the humor ala "Fur and Loathing..."

Finally, as yet another "anti-GSR" person, I had kind of hoped, since they went and did it anyway, that we could at least have seen reactions as the team members found out during this season. Scenes of various members discovering the secret and responding in various ways (some surprised but otherwise indifferent perhaps, some truly upset etc.) it could have been an interesting way to bring in some "drama" without distracting from the plots of the episodes. Unfortunately, of course, the relationship remained a secret for the whole season, although the writers did use the situation to bring up a few humorous moments (like Cath prattling away about Grissom and Lady Heather, much to Sara's discomfort). I was not only disappointed that when the relationship was finally revealed the reactions were so brief, but I was also disappointed that the team found out the way they did. After all, they can hardly exclaim in shock, express any negative feelings or even question it with her missing, can they? But since what's done is done, I hope we get to see some reaction next season. I guess it will all depend on what happens with Sara however.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

"ate himself to death"

wasn't that season 6?

I thought one of the cases in Toe Tags was about a freak accident.

But I agree, there are more crimes then murder. I remember in the CSI games one of the cases wasn't murder, but arson. That was a very interesting case I thought.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

1) Sara lives
2) GSR continues to be well handled (treated as a mature, committed, realistic relationship)
3) more whole cast interaction
4) more visits by the Continuation Fairy

I actually think "no GSR" is the worst thing that could happen on the show. Sara could die, and the relationship could end, and GSR could change into Grissom's lamenting Sara's death or tension between them after a breakup, but to have it disappear entirely as if it never happened? The show and the writers would lose all credibility with me. It would be like the time on Happy Days when Richie's brother went upstairs and was never seen or mentioned again. GSR is now an irrevocable part of the show, even if Sara dies or Grissom and Sara break up. I don't think GSR in those last two forms would be palatable to anyone, pro or anti. Who wants to see Grissom moping around all season or Grissom and Sara jostling against each other in angry post-break-up mode? If I wanted that, I'd watch Grey's.

Of course, YMMV.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

LadyDisdain said:
1) Sara lives
2) GSR continues to be well handled (treated as a mature, committed, realistic relationship)
3) more whole cast interaction
4) more visits by the Continuation Fairy

I actually think "no GSR" is the worst thing that could happen on the show. Sara could die, and the relationship could end, and GSR could change into Grissom's lamenting Sara's death or tension between them after a breakup, but to have it disappear entirely as if it never happened? The show and the writers would lose all credibility with me. It would be like the time on Happy Days when Richie's brother went upstairs and was never seen or mentioned again. GSR is now an irrevocable part of the show, even if Sara dies or Grissom and Sara break up. I don't think GSR in those last two forms would be palatable to anyone, pro or anti. Who wants to see Grissom moping around all season or Grissom and Sara jostling against each other in angry post-break-up mode? If I wanted that, I'd watch Grey's.

Of course, YMMV.

yea, i definitely agree and for any people who are anti-GSR, sara dying would probably make matters worse. I'm not anti-GSR, i suppose im in favor of it, but I wouldn't mind Lady Heather coming back and creating some tension :devil:
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Lady Heather is a definite...should sara live! The tension would between the 3, the awkward love triangle, would be interesting to see.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

yea, a love triangle would definitely be a great twist in the GSR storyline. on the lady heather board, it says that an article in "in touch" said that she would be making another appearance next season!! i can't wait, along with cath, heather is one of my favs! (i guess i just like the more wild characters!)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

More of Nick, Greg and Warrick.
They also should GSR into the background (which means, that Sara should survive) and they also have more funny scenes like there where in the first seasons...

The names of the first 4 episodes of season 8 are out: 801: Hard Evidence 802: Aftermath 803: Epiphany 804: High Roller

Didn't know where else I could post the spoilers....
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Most spoilers don't really come out this early so we don't have a lab set up for them. Anything coming out this early is usually rumor or things thrown out there but changeable at anytime.

I am not saying that you are lying or making it up, don't get me wrong, all I am saying is that things will come out early, and while using the spoiler box like that is a good idea we just encourage folks to remember that everything about them are subject to change. ;)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I did hear that some shows are filming some episodes in advance due to a possible writers strike this summer. I know of a couple other shows that are already in production (don't know about CSI though).
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

The team of CSI: would never do that to us, would they? :lol: I guess after the finale, anything is possible.

I heard the same thing about the writers strike.

I know the writers and such of CSI: (LV) are beginning their meetings in the beginning of June, though.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Shanna_Banana said:
dirtylabrat said:
Call me shallow, but I'm wishing for a naked butt scene with Greg. I bet he has a really nice tooshie! THE SCIENCE OF A NAKED GREG SANDERS, who's with me??? :)

Haha i love it!

Oh yeah mmmmm now that would certainly make CSI more intresting!! Yeah baby!! :D

EDIT: Remeber when Greg was forced to shower with Sara? He should take showers with everyone else just for the heck of it.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Lets keep the sexual overtones down please there are minors on the board or viewing the board and we have the Adult content rule.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

If I have to live w/ GSR, then I want some real repracussions both professional and personally. I don't want to see evryone shrugging their shoulders and pretending no ethics were violated.

I would like to see a Brass episode where he finally comes to peace w/ his daughter.

I would also like to see some back story on Sofia.

And finally I'd like to see some freindships form amounst the females. One of my favorite scenes was Cath and Sofia going over that origami rose. I would love to see these two women form some kind of friendship.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I wish for more freaky stuff in season 8. We already something like vampires and werewolves in previous seasons but so far, there has always been a reasonable explanation. I would like a case involving a vampire or ghosts, which can't be explained at all... That would be freaky. More
dark, mysterious episodes :cool:

More personal background on Sofia. Would like to learn more about her too.
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