Season 8 Wishlist

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Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Wishlist: Jorja Fox to return, with a salary increase and a higher profile on the show.

Grissom and Sara relationship continues. The two leave together at the end of the season to run their own bodyfarm, or to teach at a university, or to get married, whatever.

Personal storylines for the other characters to be wrapped up. We find out whether Warrick is divorced or not; Catherine and Lindsey's relationship is improved, etc.

More Hodges. More Hodges and Wendy (and Mandy and Henry).

More funny episodes like Labrats, Ending Happy, and Leapin' Lizards.

I want this to be the last season of CSI, or at least for it to be the last season for some of the major characters. If they can plug in new people and continue it as an ensemble show, fine. If they continue for much longer with the same people, the show will become tired.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

My wishlist for season 8

*Sara stay's
*more GSR
*more stuff with Nick (examples: like with Kristy, shows him in a relationship, or like when he kind of ran the show when Catherine and Keppler were up to something he took control of the lab to figure it out.) Just more nick stories.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Since I am now in withdrawl mode, I started to review my Season six again..

You know I found Season six to be really quite good for a number of reasons which I would really like to see again in Season 8.

1. The teamwork, everyone had good roles, good amount of time, interesting characters on their own not dependant on other characters..would love to see it again.

2. I think it is (sadly) impossible to revert the GSR, however in the earlier episodes it was nice to see hints of "flirtations" (like Catherine and Warrick, Grissom and Sara) without the "drama and romance")

3. Light hearted episodes like "Room service" (BTW amazing REM tune..I LOVE THAT really brought me into the episode from the beginning to end!!) where Gris and Greg had their own sense of humour which suited them and kept the episode interesting.

4. More on the lab and gadgets, more with Brass, Sophia, it kept things "all together" working together instead of where I find the characters in S7 are "separated and distanced" from each others cases.

5. LH, a must :)

6. Bringing back the team as they were, I think that is what I missed most in S7. Too focused as others have said on the "romance and drama"..Get back to work team!

I think they really need to listen to the viewers we were most (I think ) hooked in by the science and crime, not the Grey's type drama, bring it back PLEASE!!!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

- A story arc for Nick and continuity and not one major episode and then everyone is acting like nothing happened (for example: Who are you, Overload, Stalker, Grave Danger and Daddy’s little girl)
- More Nick/Warrick, Nick/Grissom and Nick/Sara scenes
- No GSR; though it doesn’t really matter, because the damage is already done.
- Greg back in the lab and less screentime for him
- A scene where the CSI’s sit in a diner again
- A (group) therapy session scene after a horrid case.
- I want to see how Nick and Warrick play basketball, shirtless of course. :D
- I want the team dynamic back and not the stuff we got in the last two seasons.
- The return of Nigel Crane
- New writers for the show
- If Sara survives then I hope she'll get as much attention from everyone as Nick got after his abduction. ;)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I can't believe no one has mentioned this one yet. No more Grissom in a straw hat.

Also more B stories that don't relate back to the A story.

An interesting twist with Sam Braun's estate. Perhaps Catherine inherits only if she agrees to quit being a CSI and runs the Rampart.

More team investigations where they spitball ideas around the table rather than Grissom getting an idea and running with it.

More of the angry defiant Sara like in the season one episode about the wife beater. Actually that goes for all the CSI team. More opinions count than just Gil's or Catherine's.

More episodes driven by the level 2 CSI's. Individually and as a team. Something that requires those white tank tops while they process some evidence. :D

Although I love Marg, the continued semi-retirement of the "Catherine Cleavage Cam". I find those shots too distracting and lose track of the story. ;) Perhaps once every fourth episode or so.

I'm sure I'll think of more later.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

well...I, too, have many. These are just 4

1) I agree with many in bringing back the team dynamics. As enjoyable as S7 was, IMO, it still didn't focus on one of the main things that had kept this show so sucessful over the past seasons. STOP leavin' CSI's OUT!! (warrick & greg)

2) More of the science behind the show. There had been several eppys that seemed to skip over that process, and to me, I felt like at the end of the show, I was still scratchin my head a little.

3) LOL, I second MARG_FAN and the "no more Grissom in a straw hat!" It was cute the first time, but it quickly got old to me and everytime I would see him since in that hat, he reminded me of someone out working in his garden as suppose to the supervior of the nightshift, a scientist.

4) Last but definitely not least. My Guy! LOL, my super geek hero, Hodges!...More of him, this possible thing with Wendy...It's basically the characters overall demeanor that draws me to him and the show...**loves that sarcastic, witty type of he doesn't care that he's annoying others, he'll do it anyway...!** LOL....I need more!!! :lol:
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Call me shallow, but I'm wishing for a naked butt scene with Greg. I bet he has a really nice tooshie! THE SCIENCE OF A NAKED GREG SANDERS, who's with me??? :)
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

dirtylabrat said:
Call me shallow, but I'm wishing for a naked butt scene with Greg. I bet he has a really nice tooshie! THE SCIENCE OF A NAKED GREG SANDERS, who's with me??? :)

Haha i love it!
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

Naah, I don't want to see Greg's tush, but I do want to see Nick's tush, he got a cute behind. Greg isn't, he need to put his shirt inside the pant then I will give you my answer.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

More CSI envolvement, more action, more Lady Heather, more Sofia and Brass, less GSR and more Sara/Lady Heather. Of course, that's just twisted little me... ^_^

Re: Season 8 Wishlist

19ams87 said:
Heh, what can I say...I've been waiting since the pilot. Frankly I'm not accustomed to seeing Billy in anything that he keeps all his clothes on for. It's freaking me out.

Wierd isn't it?! Slighty scary, c'mon TPTB, make Billy strip! Humph.
AHAH! Hell yeah! :D

And I want my A la Jackpot-wet-tshirt-tight-jeans-vest-backward-cap epi :lol:
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

hmm... next season... DROP GSR. It's taken center stage, and as much as I like drama, I want my science show back.

I want to see more Greg and Warrick, and more diverse pairings in the cases... I'm sick of seeing the same people together over and over.

Also, I love Sofia, but they really should drop the character. The CSI cast has major bloat. Then again if Sara dies (please let her just die) no need for Sofia to leave.

I like Hodges, but the other lab rats have lives as well, let's hear about them too! Mix it up people!

Last but not least, I like the CSI finales where someone is in danger or such (Grave Danger was great, Snow Day on CSI:NY was awesome) but I am really hating them being helpless and having it happen consistently each season. What happened to Bloodlines? The Strip Strangler? Those were awesome finales.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

I'd like the season opener, assuming JF doesn't sign, to have a really great A case, with the B case being the team's reaction to the discovery of Sara's body four months later.

If JF does re-sign, then I'd want an all-hands-on-deck type of case, with Grissom -- who's been handed a demotion and 6-month suspension -- having to be called back in.
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

**ponders thoughts of grissom being demoted and maybe catherine promoted...!!** Not a super huge fan of Cath, no reason really for that, but that would be interesting

I think I would like to see a few more 'different style' cases, other then sex related murders etc....don;t get me wrong, they are probably the best for storys etc, but there are so many other avenues the writers can conquer...
Re: Season 8 Wishlist

UrielFalcon said:
More CSI envolvement, more action, more Lady Heather, more Sofia and Brass, less GSR and more Sara/Lady Heather. Of course, that's just twisted little me... ^_^

I'm definitely in agreement with more lady h! i love her!! and the tension between her and sara could really be interesting. she and sara are both so different, and yet grissom likes them both (altho at separate times) so it's very interesting!
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